Tree of Savior Forum

Arise, Summon Army! The Purple Class Codex

@crevox It is still interesting to have FF in the build, or compilations with CRONO and RUNECASTER (?) Are they more interesting?


They’re just side builds. They’re not as strong as Featherfoot. You can do it if you wish, it’s just one user that thought to try Marnox with RC. It works, but it’s weaker. It’s just a neat interaction.

Thanks for the super quick response <3

The new changes brought many doubts to me, thank you.

@crevox Ah, will Giltine be a new endgame card for our beloved summoning class?

I currently use “Zaura” for CM and “Ignas” for Boss … Would Giltine be that card for both situations?

Giltine has really low AoE Attack Ratio on her skills, so if anything, she should only be useful for bossing. However, still waiting to try her out in order to give any final verdict.

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Hey, Crevox, do you have the SFR% of each of Giltine’s and Avataras’s skills? I can’t find them in

Hello again @crevox,

Is Sauk still a set effect for Sorcer / Necro? I remember that when this was mentioned, you considered him the best possible choice, can you tell me if he is still better than Balinta?

Have any sorcer / necro already used it?


Does Eclipse Ubik Card work with summons?

Thanks all <3

Logically it activates with dark damage, the summons do dark damage (the sorcerer’s).

If your comp has FF, it also benefits.


It only works with summons if those summons deal magic damage, since it only boosts Dark property magic. So, it won’t work with skeletons, for example.


Following this logic, the card does not buff, for example, damage from Zaura, since although Dark is meelee?


For Ignas, only one skill benefits.


Does this also apply to the card summoned by Evocation, which is Magic Dark?

Does Avataras seem to benefit the most?


Hi am new to the game any tips.
I went from wizard then advanced straight to sorcerer

How do I obtain cards btw

Go to the mercenary badge shop and buy multicolored card albums, open them solo or with friends, collect the cards. Or buy them from market.

You can also get a legend card from WBR cubes.

can u go the summoner build without a demon and still lvl up? i cant trade or use the marketplace yet i just wanted to kno ?

@solodolo999 necromancer first then so u can have skeletons to help ya out

I’ve been wanting to comeback and play tos again and I stopped over 1-2 years ago? what stats allocation should I prio a necro/sorce? and what cards are the best? when I left it used to be Marnox and templeshooter

As for any other wizard you want int/spr/con. For cards, every sorc I see around uses Zaura.

What would be the ideal stat allocation for a max level character? and is it int>spi>con?
I’m currently 390 and I think it was the cap that time before I left, thanks for the info btw.

Edit: so I just found out that you only really get a handful of points to alocate now on the stat build, is it advisable to go full spr?