Tree of Savior Forum

Are threre mosters in this game that are based on other mythlologies?

I’m really interested


… there are onion monsters and flower lion things in mythology? Since when?

edit: What I meant was what monsters in this game are even based off of mythology in the first place?

I think he is meaning, Greek mythology is the body of myths and teachings that belong to the ancient Greeks, concerning their gods and heroes, the nature of the world, and the origins and significance of their own cult and ritual practices.

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well somehow yeah they may be when you see that japanese mythology as nearly every animals and objects fusions possible in it ^^

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Yes, there’s bosses present such as Unicorn, Gorgon, Succubus and Cerberus which are not explicitly part of Lithuanian mythology.

There are a lot of monster concepts adapted to fit the lore though, like Succubus’ whip having the symbol of Austras Koks at the end of it. :smile:

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RO was based on Norse, I like myth. themes in every aspect of gaming!

pretty sure there was a cyclops boss somewhere

Lots of undead everywere

It’s probably better to not make mmo’s based on mythologies…
As i started RO i had no idea what it was about, i bought books of norse mythologie… looking at RO now… they have no ■■■■■■■ idea about norse myth at all… sad actually