Tree of Savior Forum

Are talts and guild quests the only way to level up your guild?

Or is there another way?

I’ve been looking through the Help section in the game and going through all of the posts from IMC but I haven’t found anything explaining how to get guild exp in much detail. I’m trying to level my guild up fast and I’ve heard players say that doing dungeon runs or ordinary quests or something might help, but I tested a dungeon run and got no guild exp. All I know for sure is that talts give 20 exp and guild quests give a bunch.

Does anyone know more or have any way I can speed up leveling my guild? :slightly_smiling_face: I wish there was more info to read through…

20 exp per talt
30 exp person that finish guild quest raid which actually join the raid.

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Thank you! I was hoping there’d be more options but I guess not xD Looks like I’ll need to make alts to start farming talt every day

guild level burden should be shared to all guild member.

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