Tree of Savior Forum

Are Necromancers really worthy?

First of all, i`m sorry about the not so good english. I’m hueBR.

My build: Wiz1 > Pyro1 > Psycho3 > Necro2

So, seems like the necromancer isn’t as good as i expected.
Psycho3 is really nice as a crowd controller, stopping and holding everything. But i thought the necromancer would complete that build by doing something like ‘i hold, my summons hit’… Didn’t work.

The skeletons are kinda weak and the Shoggoth is stupid. Really low attack rate, medium damage, almost no AoE and no special skills. The AI doesn’t help, also.

Flesh Hoop and Flesh Cannon are ok, good damage dealers. But they have a cost other than SP. They cost Corpses, wich are expensive to buy or hard to get. Having to kill 15 enemies with Gather Corpse or expending 250s each time you cast a single Flesh Cannon makes the class very annoying.

Maybe making every monster give a Corpse would help (and not only those killed by Gather Corpse), or keeping the corpse cost for the summoning skills only. I dunno, it just needs some improvement IMO.

So, i would like to see other necromancers opinions about the class :slight_smile:

Skeletons are good meat shield and nice for AFK farming.
Flesh Cannon doesn’t really shine without Wiz3 and/or Linker.

I only have level 3 flesh cannon without quick cast, all i can say is the damage is pretty good. Imagine the level 10. :smiley:

I also have psychokino on my build, i usually use flesh hoop then get near on my target and cast psychic pressure. :smiley:

What is more effective flesh hoop or cannon?

Cannon damage-wise!


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i still think that a Sorc1 > Wlock1 outshines a Necro2.
Better summoning/dps ability

Depends, what would be the rank 6?

im wiz3-link-sorc-necro and im really enjoying the flesh cannon the flesh hoop and why not my shoggoth tanker.

Yep i have rank 5 sorc cause summon servant with sp regen and AOE +5 is awesome with flesh cannon u dnt have just the links for more aoe u have +5 form the buff so it helps a lot, and yes i have templeshooter level 5, it will never going to do more dmg than a sorc 2 but is pretty anoyoing for enemies and usefull for me to have templeshooter and shoggoth and in a future raise deads. a complet army to deal with it.

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i am necro2 but not max lvl. only lvl 233…
i went full retard. full summons. 5 shoggoth 5 skelemans 5 tower, 5 summoning(sorcskill) (*i use and have fleshcannon and fleshhoop for the debuffs)

i can afk like there’s no tomorrow on low level maps like dinabee farm like it ain’t a thing. i can solo (slowly) on evac map killing maybe 5-6candles/plants at the same time. but i find my damage lacking, i don’t think i’m killing them fast enough. i have no purple wand/staff and still using an arde dagg for extra damage. i still find myself not that great with dps. or maybe i’m comparing myself too much with warlock damage. idk.

I finally went Necro 1 a couple days ago. I’m loving the Linker/Flesh Hoop combos makes killing so much faster.

My Necro’s a Wiz3 - Linker2 - Necro1 - (going) Warlock1

So far, I’m actually having a lot of fun with it. I’ve tried soloing the Lv190 dungeon and everything (except the bosses ofc) just dies in Joint-Cannons. In parties with good DPS, I don’t even really need to use my cannon much because mobs usually die right after I link them. Corpses are such a pain in the ass. They should turn Gather Corpse into a debuff or a self-buff, or remove it and move Disinter up into C1.

I ended up getting a Dandel Gem though so my Linker2 is a bit questionable.

You think Necro 1/Warlock 1 will be better than Necro 2?

I was debating this as well, but then I thought “What if Necro 3 gets a crazy skill? You wouldn’t be able to get it at C8!” :frowning:

But… “What if Warlock 2 gets a crazy skill? You wouldn’t be able to get it at C8!” :stuck_out_tongue:

I think that Warlock’s just too good to miss right now, especially with Linker in the build.

im currently having problems with what to pick at c7. my build is wiz1>pyro3>sorc1>necro1. i dont know if i should go for sorc2, necro2 ff1 or warlock1. can someone help? :confounded::cry:

Having same issues sorta I’m wiz 1 cryo 1 link 2 sorc 1 I farm nicely. I don’t know if I want necro 2 or go sorc 2 and ride my bosses and have control. I think without wiz 3 necro isn’t that great. Might reroll make wiz 3 link 2 and necro 2 as an alt.

That is the dilemma. I am hoping rank 8 of Necro would be the saving grace of our summon class.

I studied alot before going Necro and i think i made a wonderful choice by putting linker on my build since i can turn the shoggoth and summons attack into aoe with it and also gather 5 corpses at once which REALLY helps instead of gathering 1 by 1

Also, Necro 2 is more PvP oriented… i think for PvE and damage overall Warlock would be a better choice for Rank 7

Curious. What makes you say Necro C2 is more PvP oriented than Warlock C1?

Necro best afk farmer. GO necro for the big bux.

Necro is god tier for 1v1(no dispeller) but you need cryo3 to make it work.
Freeze the enemy and let your minions do the work.

Your win rate will be so high unless your matched against another cryo3 + minion builds. The only problem is that necro kinda falls off @ open world PVP due to dispeller meta. Flesh cannon is hard to target and it’s too much chaos to make your minions work well(bunch of frost pillars left and right making your minions getting sucked in). But necro2 will do fine for ranked pvps where dispellers are disabled.

Warlock is the safer choice since they work well with anything PVE/Duels/Ranked PVP/Open GVG but it doesn’t mean that they are the best. Pole of Agony is easily dodgeable unless supported by Raise or Pillar but Dark Theurge is enough to instant kill anyone who goes near you.

Each has their own ups and downs, just hope that necro c3 will be nice.