Tree of Savior Forum

Archer Needs HUGE Buff

it seems this beta, bows are still Pierce property & do ■■■■ damage & Strength physical damage is not getting applied.

in kcbt bows became non-property right? wtf is going on here? takes 5~10 minutes to beat a boss WTF.

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I wish you can post with appropriate language. This is Closed Beta, and you should expect that. If you do not enjoy/understand the purpose of Closed Beta, maybe I can have your key instead :smiling_imp:

I can confirm that you are incorrect, Strength is definitely applied to bows. Just tested.

I don’t believe bows became non-property, some skills did.

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it must have been a server bug, server is more stable now, i remake a character & its faster i think

guess it wasn’t updating my stats or somthing, i dunno

i had the same problem, my first archer was waaaay weaker;
when i switcher to gabija i could actually level now, but i must say compared to the other classes you still feel very weak that is with 2str/1dex/0.5 con
i am level 34 now and i basically wait for openings and cds to use multishot exclusively as archer c2 :expressionless:

How many hours did it take you to reach lvl 34?

yeah , something is off , i hit wayyyyy harder on my swordsman than my archer , when both have same STR and similar weapon dmg

It’s damage type.

Anything that’s weak to slash (swords) is resistant to pierce (bow and spear) this is a 50% modifier so you’re looking at 150% vs 50% damage done.

And monster that’s weak to pierce still take normal damage from slash (it’s resistant to strike)

But hey, most bosses are weak to pierce.

i don’t know, not long, i have played a lot, but had downtimes due to disconnects/ not being able to connect. i got all classes multiple times to 15 easily and this one, so i guess about 3-4 hours to 35

@rofldat thanks for the shining a light on this pierce and slash dmg output. I’m a bit scared now with the path that I’m going to take for my archer :smile:

@Rhagius I see… It’s good to hear that the disconnection is not more often like the first 4 hrs. I’ll give it a try later.

BTW guys what server are you in?


Another failed Archer.

I soloed most bosses, except deathweaver and necroventer (to much aoe darkness and shit).

There’s a way how you beat an Boss fast.
Sp pots, Multishot (best 10 or 15), Multishot attribute for fast casting.
And cricle 2 crit buff from swift walk.

People stared at me for how much dps i poured out when i partied with them.
A level 10 Multishot against throneweaver dealt 120~150 atk with my bow. And the crits were about 240 atk.
40% of my shots critted. And i could spam multishot two times in the cd. And 4 times in the time of swift step active.

The rest of the time. You need to normal shot or use fulldraw to deal damage.
Full draw ignores some type of armor (plate i think? +50% dps buff).

I got to level 44 without trouble. Okay i died a few times here and there. But i just lack AoE dps.
Single target my build.
ArcherHunter is extremly well off.

I made myself an pyromancer, because i wanted to train my pet.
And yeah. It’s way easyer with an pyromancer. Specially if you got an +80 magical atk staff whos +10.
I made myself an staff better then anythning below level 40 is used normally … Next item i upgrade +10 is my Bow for archer. (Seeker+6 to seeker+10.)

And dont tell me “IMPOSSRRIBUL” i did +10 without ONE FAIL!

The only thing which should be buffed is … Sp usage of Multishot and fulldraw. Way to intesife on Sp pots.
I need to spend 1~3 pots per boss. If i miss a bit or if i … somehwo dequip my bow … gosh why …

Lol, I thought perhaps this game didn’t scale between solo and party on bosses.
I didn’t look up any data about this game prior to this beta, besides some basics and differences in classes.
Went with archer and wanted to build into schwarzer reiter.

Anyways, I started off in gabija server when it went live, after 13hrs today I only got to lv43 and just made 3rd rank in job. Soloed all bosses up til the demon before queen in the tower or something.
I thought it was intentional by the game that it promotes partying so the soloing is alot harder.

Normal hits throughout damage around 10-20 on all bosses, crits would be 30s. I went with 1:1 Str & Dex, cause I have no idea what I’m doing and it seemed reasonable.
I thought maybe Full pull was different damage type from Stone shot, since sometimes some bosses takes one harder than the other, when the other way around on other bosses.

I planned my build to be archer->qurral 1-3>rogue->reiter, perhaps that’s why I’m feeling powerless atm.

I enjoy the challenge so far, but it does feel like some other classes have easier times on bosses & leveling.
Just the first day of beta, alot of different times to try partying up or different character anyways. Love this game lol.

@rofldat that yould only make sense if i’d get the same +50% i get on my pierce attacks from swordsman, but i don’t get any piercing dmg buff shown, tested it before, i can thrust vubbes for +50% additional damage but get standard damage on archer with auto attacks AND skills

bosses are the easiest part about archer by far, i can kill them with multishot 6 levels above me, but normal mobbing is hell

You’r not an moober xD.
Archers are Single Target dps ^^.

Build an Mage for that.

Go ranger, Use barrage while you are standing right next to a boss. The damage is higher than multishot, almost instant cast. SOoooo Geewwd

then give me an option to grind single enemies effectively, so far every mob that is bigger is in the middle of dozens of mobs.
i went into an area with higher level mobs to tackle those one at a time and found out imc reduces exp gained from higher leveled mobs ( or the ones i could manage just didn’t give any job exp)