Tree of Savior Forum

Archer C1 > Quarrel Shooter C3>?

Hello Guys!

I’m struggling to decide what to become after QS c3… what do you think is the most viable choice?
Archer C1> QS C3 > Sapper C2 > Cannoneer
Archer C1> QS C3 > Sapper C2 > musketeer
Archer C1> QS C3 > Scount > Schwarzer Reiter > musketeer


Archer C1> QS C3 > Wugushi C3

I already know what are you going to say: “It depends on what do you want to do in game”… So… i want to do some PvP maybe GvG… but my main role ll be PvE.

I just want to know which choice scale better. I have no experience with archer class T_T

No skill from scout can be used by SR while mounted.

How about archer2+scout/falconer or archer3 then R7?
kneel shot+running shot give you nice AA.
scout if you need cloak(but not neccessary if your main goal is pve)
falconer for circling for help team AoE out put.

As you guys may noticed… i really want to be Quarrel shooter. I need help to find a build that works for me.

As my previous post mention about running shot I think that QS3 was include in the build

Yea, i saw!

wich build do you think scales better with QS?

I think Ar3>Q3>musket is nice if you have low ping.
source Machine Gun Musketeer

I really wanted to try an AA build but I hear that AA builds fall off hard by 200. you end up doing 1k auto attacks while other peoples skills are hitting for 40k

Basic attack oriented builds get boring after a long while as well. Unless you actually like that sort of thing.

I like aa builds if they are strong. also saves alot on mana potions. but at least in this game aa builds are really spammy instead of just right clicking and waiting.

I’ll be doing the musketeer build with falconer. So a1q3a2f1M. I’m lvl 82 now and just got running shot which is really fun to do. However I like using multi shot way more and feels very satisfying to use rather then just aa’s. Running shots def better so far for mobbing after having the oblique mana drain for 80 lvls. I do think the class gets a bit stale just going q3 so far and would probably feel that way going a3 so trying out falconer may be good for me.

This interests me greatly since i plan on doing the machine gun build. Does damage really fall off that much later?

I will agree that AA’ing mobs is much lower burst than mobbing them up and dumping skills on them. Can’t argue that.

But the question is…is doing say 2 atks/sec worse than taking the 1 to 2 seconds to load a skill fully then using the skill/s? How much does a buffed Kneeling plus Running shot do?

Do skills really do 40k? Are they AoE? Are the cooldowns friendly for dungeon mobbing/ solo grinding?

This topic is of high interest to me since i planned to do the AA build.

stats for this?? archer 3