Tree of Savior Forum

Archer build, that shows he is not useless?

Hi people, i got a Problem. I m a archer lvl 40 and i think its the weakest cls from all :confused:
I spent 100k gold for a good weapon but he still do such low dmg… So i wanna ask if someone knows a good build to show that a archer cls is not a mistake and useless.

SrY for my english, hope you Understand what i mean :slight_smile:

Skills + AA + Pet = gg

Post your current archer build here:

Also give what your current stats look like. Such as ST/DEX/etc.

Gives everyone an easier time to assess your character, and find the solution.

From what I can see, archer’s dmg comes from his/her skills, not their auto attack damage. Here is one build I find interesting

For me I am not the type of person that’s anal on the damage I dish out, therefore currently I am browsing through the forums and am thinking of ways to build a good CC (crowd control) character utilizing the QS class :smile:

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Its archer-ranger


Like a wizard? Only spam skills and push SPR to max?

Yup like a wizard, and strangely enough it actually does quite well as shown in the video :confused:

archers are useless they got no good build