Tree of Savior Forum

Apraiser in 2k18 (i m stuck and looking for advices)

So i m working on my own archer and decided to go Bullet maker with idea:
Archer 2 or 3, Quarel 3, Apraiser, bullet 2.(i dont know about stats yet, prefer full dex)

i m fallowing guide from some website (not sure if i can paste it here, but YOLO)

I m stuck on STEP 4
Talk to princess Gaivile’s attendant. Located at gate beside Krivis master at Klaipedia.

so i have like 8 channel in Klai and location was changed since guide was made
i tryed some channel jumping and megaphone asking, but looks like everybody just using silver not strong will
(i meet same problem with shinobi, still looking for flower when all players who was looking for it used voucher)

Read through that under the Appraiser Heading

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Thanks a lot, i ll try with this doc and feel better, when armed properly:)

your best bet is to do it with other players, makes it 10 times easier

I found NPC babe and looks like i ll be stuck with flower like most apraisers :D, thanks for all help, feel free to close this topic
PS: do sth with hidden quest for shinobi (flower) and apraiser (flower)