Tree of Savior Forum

Appraiser vs Miko - a true hidden class vs an "open" hidden class

It is relevant when their whole argument can be used for 99% of the classes in this game. Anyone could say “well IMC is biased against X class since the announced it compared to Y” then weasel out of a discussion saying the actual gameplay has nothing to do with it.

This was a generic Cleric cry thread with no basis. You could replace almost any class that is not Miko in his original statement and it would be true.

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I don’t really think that’s very constructive.

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Because tos is full of weebs, so IMC revealed Miko beforehand to attract more new players or simply want those that just quit to come back. Whereas appraiser doesn’t have the same attractiveness so might as well keep them real hidden.
OR imc simply didn’t even realize they were including appraiser in the patch when transferring data from ktos, which is very possible judging from their records.


That could very likely be it too. After 2 years they love hyping stupid gimmicks still and that was around the time gacha came I think.

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The Rank Reset was just after R8 release no ? Plus they said we will have events to test builds when new Combat System comes into iToS. Dunno what’s the problem with Appraiser, except this stupid quest created by whipe lover.

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Then use the magical flag powers granted to you that takes 1 time AKA 20 alternate accounts to get the post flagged and win your debates as usual. I am calling it like it is read the original post and their angle.

You’re projecting.

Most of us have lives and do not care enough to make alternate accounts. If you’re getting flagged 20 times, it’s 20 people that all thought the post was junk.

There’s nothing wrong with gimmicks. Tos is a casual game for people to have fun with. If you want a balanced hardcore competitive game then play one.

The cleric aspect is just the topping of the cake, ophiuchu.
And if it had been a hidden wizard class! If it had gotten the same treatment and let’s say miko would have been in the state of appraiser, it would be the same argument both with those but in favor for the miko. Of course there would have been no bitter cleric undertone.

Actually I can track down to where a certain individual flipped out on someone else last night for flagging their post, then mysteriously right after they got a response saying it was not them I get spammed saying 3 of my posts were flagged at an inhuman rate within miliseconds of each other.

What that person says about “weebs” a couple posts up is not far from from the truth. Some people actually do have the free time to protect their favorite anime game trolling forums because they are more than likely legit NEET.

So don’t give me that BS and if I had exact second timestamping it could be proven to be done through scripts and multiple accounts.

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Did… Did you just use neet as an unironic insult? With genuine sincerity? I’m speechless.

Just you wait, next we will get a Dancer class, with costume similar to Ro, quest will take months to finnish due to what the costume looks like :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe IMC doesnt acknowledge Sadhu as a part of the cerlics, i mean, look at the synergies :stuck_out_tongue:

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You don’t know how Discourse works. Trusted users can flag a post and after a certain amount it will marked as spam, an action is also sent to the Staff and they can choose to: Agree, Differ, or Disagree. Agreeing will immediately flag the post as spam. What most likely happened is a Staff member was on, saw the flags from a few users or took action without the flags manually. Some settings are subject to change though based on Staff preferences.

Miko was hyped to start with, by players, because it’s cute and so is the Master. Seriously just for that. Everybody wanted it to be out just so they could have a cute new outfit.
And I think that indeed IMC added more hype around Miko but that wasn’t particularly because they wanted to but because players kept asking for it and made a big deal around it themselves. If your clients are impatient and keep asking about it, why wouldn’t you hype them even more ?
The rank reset had been announced for a while on their FB page (they said they were working on it), and it had been demanded basically since the game was released. I don’t think it was related in any way to the Miko, they just decided to release it once it was ready and they did a big patch. Miko was just “lucky” it was part of a much bigger patch.

Hidden classes are HIDDEN for a reason they were never meant to be promoted actually… Miko was overhyped by players that’s all… They even cried they want it before the class reset… and that’s the only connection between the two things…

I really hope that to be true.

I find the concept of hidden classes super retarded. Its not a secret within days but provides super annoying job quests because if you dont feel pain for hours its not something special. Gosh

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It is not a secret for anyone checking informations, but there are still people just launching the game and playing it. No, it’s not a legend. Anyway, I think the “hidden” term is not to say it’s a big secret for players, but it’s something hidden in the lore of the game as you will not be able to start the quest if you didn’t discover the secrets of this class. In fact, they should name it “Rare Classes” for players POV.

Didn’t you hear? Tree of Cleric is no more!

I don’t mind them not saying anything about the release of hidden class tho
since …it IS hidden. And I’m sure IMC already know people keep on datamining to see stuff anyway …

I don’t see any special treatment being made regarding Miko annoucement either.

That would make sense, if the ‘secrets’ actually can be discovered with logic and not “find 7 spots that have absolutely no hint that they’re related to this quest, oh and some of them only can be interacted with on random occasion, have fun”

With the way the quest is currently, I’d agree it’s just a super annoying job requirement.

In general, I disliked how there’s so little clue to go on.
I actually liked some of the requirements as a test.
-Demon Prison 1’s time-day spirit (7 pillars for the 7 days, a round of spirits hinting at a clock)
-Orsha’s prayer (a test of faith of sort, whether you continue to have faith and keep praying until it answers, the thing actually look like a shrine for praying = miko related)
-The Crystal mine is sorta acceptable since it slowly inches you to completion by elimination

The rest? the short appearance time vs the long delay makes them more of a luck factor than actual ‘test’.

Basically 3 are reasonable challenge, 4 are complete BS with the limited appearance thing, and the complete lack of clue towards any of them in general is just not a good design.

I was hoping it’d be something that makes sense, like the quest mentioned in this video (starts around 0:30)

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