Tree of Savior Forum

Appraiser vs Miko - a true hidden class vs an "open" hidden class

Hello People of the Forums!

So I would like to hear some opinions on this particula topic.

No, this is no class discussion of any sort. It is about the promotion of those 2 hidden classes.

So on the one hand we have the popular Miko class:
Most favorite of many clerics out there,
2nd hidden class of the cleric tree being the only one having more than 1 hidden class so far,
having the arguably most annyoing things to do to get unlocked,
being promoted like no other class before except perhaps the R8 classes despite being a hidden class,
and the reason for the first possible reset of a character as of yet.

On the other hand we have the Appraiser class:
First hidden class of the archer tree,
first “shopable” class of this tree,
having a rather annyoing requirement to unlock as well,
was not even as slighty (if even) promoted as the Miko class,
and didn’t get as much attentention or something like a reset like the miko release.

Is that fair?
Some may argue that miko >>> appraiser and that might be true, but is that relevant in this matter?
So appraiser hidden class isn’t as valuable as the miko one and is not worth much attention?
So once again IMC shows its deep love for cleric as it favorite class?
Independant from its actual usefulness I don’t see why it was almost secretly slipped in the game.

(And yes i know we will get massive resets in the future once the big patch comes, but is not only about that you know…)

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Oh well just look ingame 8/10 Clerics got miko.
Miko is just to strong.

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You would need to dig down into the development roots for “hidden classes” to know why they made these stupid systems. Originally they were going to make it like TK where only a certain amount of people could be a specific class or something weird.

How are you supposed to discuss something if power of class doesn’t matter? Is this like a secret Cleric cry thread here complaining about Miko?

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You missed my point here.
This is no class discussion whatsoever.
It is only about the treatment of releasing each of those respectively and the level attention and promotion both got from IMC.

Miko has a cute costume.

Cute > Everything.


It is still because Miko is too op (but thankfully some people still stay away from it due to ridiculous pre-quest)

Just look at other class. All respectively were popular until we can see the class itself is not as good as other. Not to mention having a very not so appealing requirements to unlock it.

chaplain WERE popular before and having the easiest requirements to unlock it.

It is still OP now but eh… I hope it’s going to be nerfed. so serves you miko’s right

But you specifically point out Miko as a comparison. Why not Chaplain or Runecaster? If I made a statement saying they released Miko purely catering to the opening of jTOS given the time frame of class release and opening date is that irrelevant to treatment?

I just do not understand the point. It is about “secret classes” which was going to be something special but they did away with that idea long ago. To me they are just normal class choices at this point with some having more annoying unlocks than others.

People wanted ‘muh shrine maiden’, so the hype was inflated due to cute.

well… tree of cleric is tree of cleric


I ask you, was there anything like an announcement regarding Chaplain, Runecaster or Shinobi? No. Why not? Cuz they were there like from the beginning (not counting closed beta here).
Was there seomthing special when miko was released? Yes, resets
Was miko announced? Yes it was.
Why? Because new hidden class and stuff.

Was there something special when Appraiser was released? No.
Was it even announced? Not as far as i could see anywhere in the news.
Why? Yes, so why did appraiser not get same treatment as miko? <- that is the main issue here

Was miko announced? Yes it was.

[citation needed]


  • Weapon Maintenance shops can now be used without unequipping your character’s weapon(s).
  • Characters can no longer use skills while interacting with an NPC.
  • New hidden class added.

And if you say now “buhh it does not say miko” don’t make me laugh, cuz this is still far more than appraiser got, jeez

jTOS launched with Miko at about the same time the class was announced. Would you agree or disagree this was done on purpose to hype the release of the game in that region and not because IMC is biased towards Clerics?

It was for one class and not the other secret ones yet you insist it is because they favor Clerics in general.



That’s a point for releasing it indeed for the japanese version. But it does not justify that it this hidden class was told to be added and the next was not. Plus it will not be a coincidence that there was reset event at the very same time for it.
So just because there is no fitting “event” like the release of another TOS, makes appraiser kinda unimportant with no statement and nothing else follwoing its release?

And again, for a third time: this is no class discussion. Cleric =/= Sadhu, hence making that argument pointless because every tree has it problem classes and this is not the topic to discuss that.

RE: Power isn’t relevant when discussing fair treatment of classes in tos.

This is true. Tos isn’t a balanced game, by design. They have been very open and clear that classes are intentionally weaker than other classes. The reason provided for this is that some are simply there for roleplay purposes.

People may dislike this. But it is a fact of tos and I don’t think any amount of complaining will make it go away. We’ve had interviews in the past that confirmed some classes were intentionally weak as some people enjoy feeling rewarded from playing harder characters.

Ontopic: I don’t see an issue with Miko getting promoted over other classes. Why does it matter that it got promoted?

It’s obvious why it was promoted - Because Miko is cute AF and has some of the best animations in the game.

Does it really matter if something special coincides with a Hidden class?

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It is relevant when their whole argument can be used for 99% of the classes in this game. Anyone could say “well IMC is biased against X class since the announced it compared to Y” then weasel out of a discussion saying the actual gameplay has nothing to do with it.

This was a generic Cleric cry thread with no basis. You could replace almost any class that is not Miko in his original statement and it would be true.

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I don’t really think that’s very constructive.

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Because tos is full of weebs, so IMC revealed Miko beforehand to attract more new players or simply want those that just quit to come back. Whereas appraiser doesn’t have the same attractiveness so might as well keep them real hidden.
OR imc simply didn’t even realize they were including appraiser in the patch when transferring data from ktos, which is very possible judging from their records.


That could very likely be it too. After 2 years they love hyping stupid gimmicks still and that was around the time gacha came I think.

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