Tree of Savior Forum

Aoe Attack ratio

I want an answer please if possible :

If i have 4 or 5 Aoe attack of ratio with gears,
Will i always hit a group of mobs just with auto attack with my bow or crossbow?

If i focus on 1 mob, will i hit in same times, all mobs around him with auto-attack?

Help me please

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AoE Attack Ratio does not apply to regular bow attacks I’m afraid.

Only melee (spear/sword etc) and skills that specifically list AoE Ratio on them are affected.

Some skills may act a bit strange when an enemy’s AoE Defense is 0 through Circling however, even when they typically are not affected by AoE Ratio.

AOE attack ratio work with AOE attack only

Auto attack of Swordman/Cleric/Wizard(C button with Staff) = AOE attack
Auto attack of Archer/Wizard = Target Attack

You can check which skill can work with Aoe attack ratio. By look from this reply.

Every skill that work with Circling mean work by increase AOE attack ratio too.

pistol auto attack is aoe , but very small aoe

thank you for the answers. about pistol, it will work ?
circle a group of 5 mob then pistol auto attak?

and if it’s really a small aoe can i raise it up always with aoe stuff?

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[quote=“sorphar, post:6, topic:327140, full:true”]
thank you for the answers. about pistol, it will work ?
circle a group of 5 mob then pistol auto attak?[/quote]
yes, pistol auto attack will work (depend AOE Ratio & AOE Defence)

[quote=“sorphar, post:6, topic:327140, full:true”]
and if it’s really a small aoe can i raise it up always with aoe stuff?[/quote]