Tree of Savior Forum

Anyone roll a pyro3 warlock 2?

Just curious how the dps is, and or farming. If so, did you take thaum 2 or linker 2 to go with it? Kind of what I was thinking about doing with the reset scroll.

I summon thee, @DieHardLancer !

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well, i took pyro 3 linker 2 warlock 2

this is how it performs in missions with lvl 60 attribute fireball lvl 50 attribute firewall, 0 attribute for anything else
weapon is 5 hammer with 5 lvl 5 gems :slight_smile:
hopefully i helps your decision

Leveling mine now that Agny finally came, @160 right now, pyro 3 link1, following the same build of @DieHardLancer. Even though Thaum boosts MATK and shrink size can combo really well with firewall, i think link2 brings more to pyro3. With 3 fireballs + joint penalty i could “one-shot” the carapace from crystal mine mission @ 134 ( with only 25 att at fireball, now i’m @ 70 attribute level for it).

I think warlock will bring in much more to the table, specially since Dark Theurge works especially well with links and Invocation. Also:

It worked really well even before Agny, now it is only better, just need to remember that our version of Hangman Knot lasts for a far inferior time then that of the video. Hope you decide if that is the path you want xD

PS: You can find some footage on pyro3 wl if you give a search on related videos and YT as a whole, the build really works well so you can see if it’s your cup of tea.

Cool thanks man! I do hear monsters over 300 resist jp pretty frequently. Any experience with it

You can use JP on fireball instead of the monsters directly, last time i checked they would get the JP effect. Maybe another high leveled linker could confirm this to you!

You have to link fireballs and the monster you want to damage to get the multiplicative effect

Monsters that are immune to JP can’t be linked. Even by linking another object and/or monster nearby. @Ouzoo

Its annoying and dumb, kinda like element absorbing mobs are. But…its not as big of a problem as some people think and you’ll see it when you hit maven and timerys.

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The JP resist mobs are annoying, but now that pyro can deal with them effectively because it has good damage now, having linker isnt bad and it is good now.

It is also the reason why I stick to lhadar forest when grinding at level 270++. Swell body FTW.

I’m a player that will delete my char if I did not enjoyed it, I’ve delete so many that I don’t remember :\ Almost all of them never even reach 200.

But my first 317 char is Pyro3 Linker2 WL2 and I like it. I don’t know about you but I sure do. Not to mention, I made it way before Agny. So it is not about the damage that I made it, I just like this build gameplay.

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I bought agni recipe for 3m and regretting now… T.T price dropping in market @@

thats why you hard cubes :smiley:
i hoarded like 50 cubes and then opened them all at once, got tons of agny recipes crafted one and sold the rest for 2m each :slight_smile:


Lol it’s so easy to find, but i’m not one to say since i farmed 115 cubes for a month before agni, i did sell many this week hahaha and thanks @Arkova for confirming the info, i was absent from the game for a time so i didn’t remember well if JP resistance could be bypassed by linking objects.

Did you use it for farming, boss killing, pvp? Just curious how the W2 plays really. Seems like it farms well with invocation but maybe not so much direct damage?

Do u guys think a Wiz3 Pyro3 Warlock 2 have more dmg than a build with pyro3 linker2 warlock2?

depends on situation. against linked enemies, 2nd one does better probably, against non linked enemies, 1 one.

I would go for 2nd one because you have more options later. ie pyro 3>linker 2>wl2 or a better one with sage instead of warlock.

hi just wanna know
what’s the difference with pyro 2 or 3? on damamge or anything

planning to rerank my ff

thau2 for swell arms to conpensate the magic def lost in using agni
or any other suggestion??
if i drop thau what’s the best replacement? rank 7 below options please TIA

@Ouzoo Other than world boss, it is good against all situation. Still able to handle link immune mobs but doesn’t excel at that. I’m killing stuffs fast enough, not to mention I have 0% in attributes and my MATK is below the minimum 2.5k. Only around 2.3k. If you are rich, you can get purple/orange 315, transcend and it will do well.

In terms of ET, it is still viable for certain party comps but not the best out there. I don’t focus on climbing ET to the highest or whatever.

@gustavoandrade57 Of course it will do more damage per hit. Quick cast +50% MATK, however your gameplay and mechanics will be so bad without linker. PvE, party grind, Taoist, Rain, World Boss, etc etc will be your worse nightmare.

EDIT1: Since I saw players recommending Warlock>Sage and you might start to compare, I will just clarify now on my choice. I chose Warlock C2 to maximize PoA and Dark Theurge DPS output to boss+linked mobs. Given that links have limited amount of hits.

From my observation, mastema makes fireball tick faster too, with and without link. My mastema is at the minimum level of 2 just for the ticks.

I did not go for Sage because I dislike the long setup time. I prefer to stay in action. Circling mobs and bosses, rotating my Pyro and Warlock skills with and without link.

Not to mention, after duplicate fireballs and having 4. Your links and fireball will burn out in a flash if you decide to go with Warlock > Sage. So having Linker3 is better for Sage.

If you want Sage plus you don’t mind the long setup and having your only source of DPS as Pyro. Then, I suggest you go for Pyro3 Linker3 Sage.

Here is my take, (Based on current scenario regarding these 3 class, don’t tell me about others)

Pyro3 Linker2 WL2 = DPS
Pyro3 Linker2 WL1 Sage = SUB-DPS
Pyro3 Linker3 Sage = SUP

Now let’s get down to actual gameplay. Sage fireball duplicating seems nice by theory, but let me ask you this…

Would you enjoy doing the fireball setup all the time just to kill? Just ask yourself what kind of gameplay are you looking for. All the best, have fun :smiley:

i hv both warlock2 and warlock1/sage1,
i would say at high lvl map 290++ or even anything after maven, sage>warlock2 because monster hit real hard, magician/archer hit even harder. u r hardly cast dark therge and ram into suicide, except if u hv high def and con.
sage, meanwhile blink and missile holes save u lot of life from magician/archer, the duplicate pyro skills cn cover the lost of warlock2 with a little setup, fortunely many 290+ maps are passive allow u do so.

pyro2 and pyro3, main different:

  1. Fireball hv 15hits vs 10hits = 50% more dmg
  2. Firepillar 15s vs 10s, larger AoE = very strong lockdown skill, a frostpillar without pull ability longer locktime and cooldown, but great addup when somebody cast frostpillar
  3. Firewalls lv15 hv 45hits if not wrong, a great skill use with linker.
  4. Hellbreath, pushback abilty a good cc tool n chance to increase 50% fire dmg

not important;

  1. Flameground 25s vs 20s = 5-6 more hits, but u cn leave it lv5~10
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