Tree of Savior Forum

Anyone get 100% exploration on Sanctuary map?

maybe on icbt, but right now with all the _anti-_psycho measures they have put in effect…

I doubt it, but who knows…

maybe a c3 psycho can do it

I didn’t know this was a thing @_@

small typo, but let me give you an idea…

now, you cant swap non moving objects or enemies and even if you manage to clip through the invisible walls… the wall itself pushes you back away from it…

sure there are places where you still can clip and you can still move immobile objects like tree roots with magnetic force…

there are prob still ways, but since I have never been psycho 3 I cant tell if they might work xD

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And that invisible wall also negates your teleport skill (not swap) and pushes you back right?

swap is always off against things that don’t normally move, as for teleport, the push would be too fast to input teleport on a specific direction…

I see so that’s the reason why it seems so hard to do now ._.

Not sure what IMC is thinking on having those parts of the map feel like some sort of mystery

I bet there is a hidden quest for them that is ether time/level specific or not implemented yet…

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Yeah tough luck :frowning:

still no love fromthis post?

is ok, give me 34 more levels and I will find the entrance to it :stuck_out_tongue:

still no answer?

Haven’t we agreed on the fact that this is an unfinished map?
I couldn’t find entrance either and gave up.

Can u share how we do this ?

That taunt, giving a screen like that but not giving any tips xD


Psychokino can teleport to that place then Guild master teleport to that kino and use guild member call.

Another trick is to use group teleport (yes group teleport) found out by Korean player


There is the Quest Last key, level 159.
Objective: Obtain Maven’s Fifth Key by solving for the secret in the Small Reception Room

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the warp is for grand corridor not to that place

any update?

Psychokino3, Teleport 15

Either Physical Link to the Kino, or use Templar Warp to Guild Member, followed by Summon Guild Member.

There is no way to activate the hidden trigger to get to that room. IMC straight up forgot about it.