Tree of Savior Forum

Anyone else regretting C2 Linker?

Keep in mind this is all PVE! I have not ventured into PVP yet and honestly I shudder at the thought of balance in PVP in this game.

I really hope they make more buffs transferable again, I REALLY regret going C2 Linker, it is a totally useless circle, the only thing that keeps me saying “oh it’s not that bad” is that Joint Penalty count increased to 8, but it’s not even that useful seeing how most groups of enemies in dungeons are in groups of 5s anyway, making it perfect for a C1 Linker.

The reason I went C2 is because in CBT I played up to this point, and remember it being extremely useful(to the point it was overwriting useful buffs, you don’t see that anymore nowadays) and none of it’s nerfs were mentioned in a compilation patch. I feel really cheated in OBT going into C2 now, knowing all I will ever get out of it is basic, rather meh buffs.

Spiritual Chain does not even pass the most basic CONCENTRATE, instead it gives Gungho and Guardian, these two are the most common buffs I see and I usually just cancel it out once they pass onto me, by right clicking it cause they just hurt me(Gungho actually, I keep Guardian on). And also both these animations are the same, which on a side note I find very lazy. Speaking of same animations, Physical and Spiritual Link have the same animations too and SO many idiots have complained of dying to my link when it was actually Spiritual Chain and not even Physical.

Overall the Linker tree sucks ■■■■ apart from JP, Knot isn’t even mandatory TBH, it helps gather them up if they retreat when dying(some enemies do that) which can cause the link to break, other than that it’s a nice cherry on top of an icing cake.

I really wish I went C1 Thaumaturge instead of investing another circle into Linker, the uses of this circle is totally stupid.

Another common buff shared is Running Shot(from Quarrel 3 I believe) which doesn’t even help any of us unless you’re an archer which is SO rare in dungeon matchmaking, you usually have one or no archer at all. [Found to be false, apparently the Running Shot ability not only enables movement while attacking for bow users, but also improves ASPD and damage of auto attacks, REALLY good but it’s like the only good thing and so exclusive]

Oh and of course there’s Quick Cast, which is totally useless. Most parties have two wizards(including yourself) and you don’t need it at all honestly since you are mainly support, you also either have your own or have instant cast spells, and most Wizards have their own as well.

Now I’m currently stuck between making a new character or just continuing(I invested a lot into this main already, sigh!)

Hope they buff Spiritual Chain, what I hope most to see is for it to share Concentrate and other useful self-buffs.

TL;DR: Spiritual Chain is really weak and underwhelming for a spell at C2, and it is the exclusive spell of that circle to boot.

P.S: It would be really good news if any high leveled Linkers can tell me that there is a good use of this spell near the later stages of the game… Currently I’m 152.

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I went Cryo - Link C2 - Sorc and honestly, I only like the JP as you descripted as well. I use HK after every single JP tho, because well, links tend to break more often when it’s going to collect 8 because well, distance…

SC tends to bug a lot too, keeps the links showing (dissapearing when you go out of range, and reappearing when you get in range again). And yes, people tend to blame me for using PL instead of SC… I don’t even have PL on my hotbar.

Hi man.

I didn’t regret taking Linker2 due to JP 10 and HK 10.

This is misleading. Running Shot works on any classes. You should’ve checked out your attack speed on your normal attack and checked the damage dealt. A good QS C3 will have Lv7 Running Shot with the help of Grand Cross (Xbow). Lv7 Running Shot adds 280% modifier to your basic attacks which is 100% by default. In short, your basic attack will do 380% total. This is very strong, yesterday I did a premade PT with a LinkerC2 on mission with people who knows about running shot. After a bunch of retardedly fast runs, we all agreed that we could just remove our skillslots and put a tape on letter Z.

Yes, I do use Knot too of course, but we all know even without this skill’s existence JP will work fine. It is just a bonus thing and TBH it’s not even C2 and HK on level 5 is more than enough IMO.

SC also sometimes target 4 people instead of 5, even though everyone is so close to one another, yet in some other places it will target all 5 even if that fifth person is 1 screen away and break apart immediately.

JP 10 is nice, but if you think about it, C1 Linker has JP 5 = 5 targets, and with the corresponding gem to increase JP’s level, you link 6. With one rank into a class instead of 2. We kind of lose out a lot.

Ooh okay, thanks for the information. I read the skill buff tooltip and all it said was that it enables movement while attacking, I’ve tried that out a lot and did not notice a change in my attack, but other bow users were able to move while attacking. I checked the skill out and it apparently augments attack speed and damage too.

Does this work even on melee characters?

Yes. It works on all classes. No exception.

They nerfed Linker C2, you only get 8 JP at C2, 10 at C3

Still good even after nerf.

If you are thinking long term, they might add some new ranks/classes later on that have awesome buffs worth sharing like QS’s running shot. The chances are high since you are not limited to Wiz classes!

Thau1 on the other hand would only decline as time goes on.

Also for current viability, Earth Tower seens like would benefit from LinkerC2.
Maybe you could try making friends with every QS you see xD

Just finished a dungeon run with a QS(talk about coincidence) and it boosted my regular attack damage, which is pitiful so I’m not gonna list it, by two times. Doubling my DPS, I imagine it’s even better on people with proper damage builds.

IDK about making friends with QS cause auto-search gives more EXP, and premades seem to pale in comparison…

And frankly Thaumaturge 1’s Swell Arm may lack towards the end game, the three other spells it has is really good for a support, especially a CON built support with Transpose, allowing you to DPS(somewhat better) if you know you’re not in danger of dying.

Earth Tower?