Tree of Savior Forum

Anyone else find the story athmosphere really "dark"?

  • Bunch of burials
  • Bunch of freeing trapped people
  • Bunch of messed up spirits
  • Petrified people left and right

I actually felt sad on pilgrim path quests.


They’ll implement flying poneys and cake rivers next patch


Youll see tentacles praying on goddess on later levels.


this motivates me to level faster

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That’s the point of the game, we are playing in a world that’s about to end


OMG spoilers man! Will have to uninstall now. (this is sarcasm)

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or begin :3

It’s all a matter of perspective xD

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Is hauberk really a traitor? or it’s really the goddesses?

I remember him telling me to not trust anyone though he did betrayed me in the end.

I’m level 220 atm.

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I fully expected to side with Hauberk at some point along the questline, and I’m sad that didn’t happen. My feels.

EDIT: [spoiler]Technically you betrayed Hauberk. He only fought you to save himself from your evil bullshit to use his soul to close the rift.

EDIT2: I don’t know how to spoiler tag

You forget a dozen of cursed/dead pilgrim ,family even lover :cry:


o what really???


Like… You’re helping Hauberk get his soul power back, then at some point the angels tell you that they were planning on using his soul’s power to do the thing. Hauberk is like nah, I’m out. Runs off somewhere. You are a sheep so you do as the angels command. Hunt down Hauberk. Thwart all his attempts to wall you out. You shove his essence into the rift.

EDIT: The angels convince you to do this simply by saying “Hauberk has a dark past, it would be bad if he remembered.”



Valkarene shove Hauberk’s soul into the rift…
Hauberk : " CURSE YOU ALL!!! "

Damn…this line of him make me sad for what I just did D:

if only you could pick sides :l

To be honest, Hauberk is literally the only MMO character I’ve ever felt bad for. And I feel even worse because he is such a strong character (not strong like he lifts, strong like he has quality writing for his character).

Hauberk, noooo! You were the chosen one!


I hope later on I get to kill Valkarene.

I would kill Gabija and steal her bird.

I came up with some theory…

Remember that drawing at royal mausoleum that show story about a demon king and a goddess loving each other and some sh*t happen that make them depart?

I guess may be that goddess was Giltine. you can see her have alot of scars on her body, maybe she got all those scars from being punnished for falling in love with a demon.

And that’s why now she want to destroy everything :open_mouth:

Also, if i’m remember correctly she said something about “revive him” at somepoint on Orsha’s quest line may be she refer to…that demon king…

all of the above is my day-dreaming, please don’t get serious :joy:


Darn that’s some seriously possible speculation there.

So far from what I know, I’ve met 3 fragments of Hauberk’s soul

  1. His conscience and kindness at some point in Orsha Forest path just at the right from Delmore line.
  2. His knowledge and memories at Mage tower in the form of a Sealed stone that exists to give players quests in releasing him across all floors.
  3. His boldness in Demon Prison Districts where Vakarine resides.
    I’m not sure if there’s more but we may end up fighting his true form one day.`