Tree of Savior Forum

Any plan to nerf Taoist?

Almost QQ thread.

But this class already take the throne for a while and need to be stopped already.

Or are we supposed to watch them sit on the floor after their lukewarm setup and watch boss melt?

Not sure what’s worse between Pyro during agny debut or this braindead Tao we have at the moment.

Yes there was a plan.

Then they canceled it.

What wrong with this hater? You dont want a fast Raid run or something??

I would rather see other classes competing with Taoist than having him nerfed, mages already have a lot of useless classes, we don’t need another.


people always ask for nerf-ing a class that they don’t like or don’t play. and makes their own class shin again. hahahaha yep… please nerf every class in TOS.

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I wonder what kind of game content that makes you complain about other class melting boss. World Boss? Boruta?

Just curious.

////20 char

okay give back shinobi murmillo. definitely need that back to compete
( jk, hoplite version soon ) seems like imc gonna make every tree have a taoist soon. rip game

Taoist is alright, not much nerf needed in my opinion.

Single target/bossing is superb, but its AoE is not too OP. That’s the whole point of the class system. Get other classes strong at AoE to compliment your taoist.

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People are like ->I cant beat that class then they complain to IMC to nerf it…such a sore loser.

Dont need nerf. need up another class which in crap

instead… ask to buff SR plis ;3

Jeez with all those nerf this nerf that… What’s wrong with Taoist? I have a Pyro Ele Tao and I’m using Pyro/Ele skills 10x more than the Tao ones. Tao skills have to be placed perfectly to be useful and combined to maximum effect. Creeping Death has already been nerfed by a lot because it was too powerful, so the class seems balanced now imo.

Oh yes, ONE CLASS out DPS’ing almost every BUILD is balanced. Let your brain (not logic) process that sentence first before you reply (this applies to every people who think that the class is balanced)

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yes , 42 000% sfr ( no buffs , just lvl 100 attributes ) sounds totally alright :ok_hand: just need a falcon to ignore all that hitbox. even if you missed half of them , it’s still a healthy 21 000 %. probably have to miss 3/4 of the charms all to be on par with the other class

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Literally everything is wrong with taoist. It needs a complete rework because it has 3 steroid spells just for itself which also makes it mandatory for other elemental builds, and on top of that it has single target that’s way off the charts, while it should be less hard to use with a bigger hitbox and do less damage.

“uuuh but acskually you have to aim it so it’s good that it’s specialized.”

No it’s not because it’s so far above other classes that they’re not actually viable in comparison.


Finally I do understand why a certain Tao-player I know is so crazy about Aiming. Does it mean he is to lazy to place that Creeping Death, or is it really that hard on a moving boss (or is it DoT)?

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Meanwhile, there is koikonia in the corner.

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IMO, depending on the boss… and the circumstances involved :laughing:
some bosses can move long distances with their skills, some have smaller hitbox than the others. As long as you can freeze/stun/petrify/hold them in place for the whole fight, you won’t have any problem. Other classes (or a combination depending on your party setup) can permanently hold the boss in place, correct me if i am wrong.

Tbh I don’t think the issue is Taoist, I think it’s with RC. -50% mdef shred is a little much.

The problem is not Taoist, it is the large number of incompatible classes (combo skills) between each other or useful, and by this I mean certain skills that in description seem to serve something, but are actually a trap for newbies. Moreover, not to mention the lousy definition of each branch; there are many classes that don’t paint anything (for example, what does Enchanter/Tauma do in “Scout”? Gunners in “Archer” tree? Melee and other type warriors fighters in “Swordman”?).

If Taoist has any problems it’s the definition of his abilities and the class he belongs to. If the idea was to place representatives of religions in Cleric (wouldn’t it be better to change the name to “Theologist”, “Prayer” Or “Believer”? To be more general with the beginning…), I still do not understand today why Taoist is now a magician (Enchanter/Tauma/Linker are Scout, etc.) In short, if there were previously gaps with the class branches and the compatibility between each class was limited, with Rebuild it has ended up being worse. If you ask if they should weaken the class, my answer is NO, they should do something else… Improve the useless and weak other classes (90%).

This would be something for another topic, but my suggestion is that they organize it this way and that each skill can have combo with another one of another class within the same branch (yes, including buffs and debuffs), never of the same class or with a class from another branch.