Tree of Savior Forum

Any idea about mimic?

Im just wondering if anyone knows about the mimic class. Is it supposed to be rank 9 class? Any idea what the class does? When i first saw this pic a while back i thought it was going to be a rank 8 class and was going to make one, but its not rank 8 obviously. Shadowmancer sounds interesting too.

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from the name though, seems they can copy other class skills, or can copy magic?

^crab ninja’d

what if it can mimic other classes skills :blush:

maybe mimic could create illusions and use mind game skills

I think Mimic will fall under the copy other classes’s skills or into something like reflecting/parrying attacks with invisible barriers. Maybe both.

It could possible copy only Wizard spells or even maybe skills from other classes, Level 5~15 Heal or PP for some non-Kino Cryo looks cool if possible.

maybe like how mimic is in FFT?

but then again, that will require a lot of coordination, as if it’s similar to FFT, you can only mimic the last skill used.


how would that be? Like Linker > Copy = 2 links? Or like the last skill you took?

if it’s similar to how FFT work, it should be on a very low CD, and it will copy the last ability that had been used. (in FFT, it will copy the last skill that was used in previous turn).

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That would be 100% too OP I think :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m more interested in Shadowmancer though. Best outfit ever.

Hope it copies Sorcerer/Necro summons and has dark AoE to work with Warlock.


but you might end up mimicking the wrong skill as well.

I’m actually hoping it to be like FFV, though I never play it, from what I know, it have the innate ability of other class (like super novice), and they can use most weapon as well.

Yup, I agree, shadowmancer have the best outfit, not sure what type of class it will be, but from the name, maybe it will also have summon ability? Using shadow to attack or have a shadow shield as well. Hope it can summon new type of demon as well, kinda bored with TS :sweat_smile:

But we still have 1 more class that is not yet revealed, since Taoist had been moved to cleric tree, hope it’s another one with good outfit.

Well, i wish it is a bit like my skyrim build, for example i had that spell that did ilusionary damage (basically it did damage only when casting but never killing the target by itself, leaving him with 1% of hp), i had the classical invisibility too that was a casting spell so i would have to break it in order to cast another spell, there was a summon spell that created ghosts that applied debuffs (a bit like the bats from summoner) when killed and there was this rune that give debuff to enemies while doing (a little) damage and buffing me.

mimic sounds like a support class to me, im more interested in onmyouji, support wiz ftw

Think blue mage from final fantasy.

Found this.

Doesnt really give a much info, but theres another picture. Says main stat is spirit.

i would hope it to be something similar to ragnaroks sage class opposed to sage we got. where you have a chance of copying spell you casted and cast it instantly again (double casting) but if main stat is spirit and we follow how spirit interacts, its mostlikely going to be a buffer class.

alot of the other buffs from priest side, and summons defense are the only skills that relies on spirit as scaling. so its mostlikely giving buffing effects of some sort, maybe extends the duration of buffs? copies buffs from other players to them self or even atribute typings of enemies to your self?

blue mage was my favorite class in ff series. hope they will be a class like that come out. :grin:

@Gringe that website haven’t been update for a very long time, if it’s main stats really is SPR, anyone who go mimic will need a stats reset :sweat_smile:, I’m sure all if not most wiz didn’t take SPR at all.

Omnyogi is probably for claric like taost is