Tree of Savior Forum

Any GM can look this new MoD?

From the addon itself i dont see any serious problem in modify the game, its just a features add-on to make the game-play better…
We only kill bots and gold-seller but some friendly modding stuffs will make the game look polish…

Anyway if this kind of mods cant be use then we should see some announcement from IMC warning so we can prepare to remove if its needed…

IMC staff please answer this seriously please

IMC staff please answer

What’s odd about this comment is it aligns itself with the camp that thinks grinding mobs from lvl 1 is how the game is supposed to be players, aka = no exploring, do no quests whatsoever, grind…the same group of people who are totally fine with the EXP viewer which shows exp/hour, per monster, etc…

They are literally serve the same function (efficiency and/or completeness), one for each camp, and only the grind-heads are stupid enough to prescribe to one and not the other…

you misunderstood me I guess. and grinding has nothing to do with it.