Tree of Savior Forum

Any GM can look this new MoD?

I would like to know if it’s ok to use it too.

Still no response yet? :cry: I using this right now…

Guys, I don’t recommend to use the mod until the final answer from IMC team.

where is IMC Staff ??? :frowning:

UP IMC STAFF go go brothers this addon

up this …

I would also like to know !

Using this and made the game so much better.

IMC, we can use it?..



Still no confirmation from gm’s???

That gives me a strange feeling…
I mean, they said to some addons they’re allowed before.
If they checked it beforehand with the VAC system, they could immediately say it’s OK, or not.

The silence makes it look like they’re not sure themselves and risked many players getting VAC banned.

If that’s the case I really hope they have the power to revert that.

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With the new VAC thing I’m now even more worried about this. Hope we can get some final answer from the forum staff. :cry:

Bump, mods please answer

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bump… still nothing

Bump @Staff_Julie @STAFF_John


@STAFF_John @Staff_Julie @STAFF_J @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Ethan
Answer plüx! Right Meow!

inb4 their reply is gonna be:

It was nice knowing you 50% of the community.