Tree of Savior Forum

Any chance Tos for nintendo switch?

With the developers kit costing 500 us and with the facility to port games from pc to nintendo switch could it be possible to port tree of savior for nintendo switch? the ingame mechanics of the game is already good to use the switch controller . It would be the only MMO on the switch and could get Many players because of this.


Right after ITOS Mobile :smirk:

Imo there isn’t enough buttons to support a game like ToS for switch. Bringing a keyboard kind of defeats the portability of the device too. To bring the game to Switch IMC will have to rethink on many of the UI menus for ToS, as it is still cumbersome to play with a controller.

ToS has portability now though, a GPDwin1 / win2 can play the game relatively well on a 4G network.

Controller Mode :thinking:

I play using the xbox controller so i gess there is enought keys… they will need a digital keyboard to talk but thats it … (switch have a touch screen)

i play every class with controller (have 14 chars), the only stuff i really need to use keyboard for is chatting and to use the system menu.
i guess market and other stuff would be bad, but for casual players it will be enough, also there is the possibility to use discord or teamspeek for a better experience.

i just don’t think nintendo would embrace it at all. :tired:

you will be surprise at what Nintendo allows if asked nicely and the timing is right :wink:

i like all the games from nintendo, i downloaded all of them on my PC from the site . I can’t stop, I’m so nostalgic