Tree of Savior Forum

Any benefits of Linker C2?

really? I would think spiritual chain’s 50% uptime and the maxhp=/=current hp thing would stymie full con linker.
'course, I’ve been theory crafting full spr wizard for reflect shield, so what do I know?

Again, Spiritual Chain is nice but not actually amazing enough to demand 100% uptime. And yes, the shared CON with everyone doesn’t heal them up, but trying to do Earth Tower without a healer is probably suicide to begin with…

In any case, I was just sharing a tidbit of info about what’s going on overseas; it’s just a possibility of the stat build.

Hey!! You are contradictory
Just go your type and stop tash talking
Every class has useful

Here’s the trend, everyone saying C2 Linker is fine or great, are people with friends that’re Quarrel Shooters or someone that has that specific exclusive buff out of 80 classes. If you don’t have any specific friends you play with and you just Q and go with the flow, chances are you will bump into one QS every odd run.

I’m a C2 Linker C2 Chrono with 12K HP ATM and there’s nothing to feel weird about, I can tank every dungeon up to my level with potions or a healer just fine, it’s a good thing to be able to lead the charge and link things without someone in front of you. I have been queued with Linker with 6k HP or 8k HP and just die trying to link things by going ahead w/o someone who can actually take the damage.

@Pootz The truth is, Linkers HAVE no ability except Joint Penalty. Let’s face it, Hangman’s Knot is not mandatory, even if you don’t use it, as long as the link doesn’t break apart you would still be fine as a Linker.

Thaumaturge’s flat bonus may seem unappealing in the long run but think about it, no matter what it’s still almost like having a second weapon equipped, especially if you invest circles into the class, paired with Chronomancer’s Quicken and it’s attribute it can be really good for physical damaging people you party with(which is a lot more often than lucking into getting a QS in the party)

Also, Spiritual Chain has a 100% up time, Life Line has a 50% up time.

Support Linkers DO NOT have a hard time mobbing, what they have a hard time is with bosses in quest lines, which can take #!@(ing forever, this is especially true if you’re full CON or half CON and a Cryomancer, I believe Pyros have slightly better damage on bosses. And RIP you if that boss or mob has elemental affinity with you, they take like 50% less damage.

Yeah, I mostly agree with this sentiment, lol. Hangman’s Knot still has niche uses in parties, namely pulling groups into ground circles if desired. Was the rest of your post directed at me though? I wasn’t one of the people arguing that Swell Arm is bad.

Eh even if it was I’m not flaming or whatever, it wasn’t though. It’s just that people have been saying Thaumaturge doesn’t age well and all, but people… let’s be honest. How’re you gonna tell me +200ish damage(C1 with Attribute) is bad at ANY time of the game? That’s legit an Arde Dagger or a second weapon equipped.

Hangman’s Knot utility for me is to make sure enemies don’t break the link by going too far, that’s about it, if one target is in the magic circle it’s already enough to kill the whole chain honestly.

@dmhamilt Um, I have very high SPR and CON, and my Reflect Shield tooltip says 251 damage reflection. But I still reflect 1~7 damage. I believe what that means is the damage reduced TBH, I take like 50~100 damage from mission bosses at level 160ish with Reflect Shield on. IDK if its worth but SPR is nice to have regardless.

Yea, nowadays I’m mostly only using HK to pull back mobs that other wizards keep Earthquaking away…

In any case, I think it’s just a case of JP being too damn amazing that Linkers can’t really get anything else very powerful unless they change how JP works.

Doesn’t Earthquake break the link? Lol, for me it’s when mobs are dying and running away or they’re leashed by their aggro range from being too far. That’s all. JP isn’t that amazing honestly, the cooldown makes you able to do what you do every 22 seconds, and later into the game people blow through mobs so fast you won’t have it up in time. I’m already experiencing that now.

I’m speculating Pass from Chrono3 will help me but even that has a cooldown on its own.

If you HK immediately after a noob Earthquakes, you’ll pull all the monsters back together before the link breaks. Of course, I still use it to pull back the random mobs that decide to go running to the edge of the map…

And yeah, you can’t link every pack, but you can still generally link every other pack right? And every linked pack dies instantly. IDK, I think it’s still really strong even with the 22 sec CD nerf, and it will scale infinitely into the future in its current state unless every class starts getting skills with +10 AoE Ratio or something ridiculous in rank 8 and above.

No, with a swordsman that has Provoke, he definitely calls for more than 8, let’s say you are C3 and have 10(or 11 with gem), you can link 11 out of maybe 20. You will still waste time killing the other 9 or 10. In big groups Linkers really pale. But in scattered groups of enemies, that’s where they shine.

Linkers JP should go down in CD if you invest circles into the class, cause that’s all you’re good for. Physical Link needs to be fixed or balanced, cause it’s such a good idea but such a bad design.

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In a party(i know this is not every case) you can start mobbing before the JP mobs are gone which can safe time for your group and to maximize downtime

Is there like a total limit of mobs you can gather/aggro?
because that may contribute in choosing C1 or C2 or even cryo3 for the ice tree…thing

Yeah you can do that, but it’s still not absolutely necessary, it does however coordinate with AOEs well. Many parties want a Linker but honestly if you have two good Elementalists, it works out just as well. I think the reason why people want a Linker late game is because they usually branch into things like Chronomancers which are even more attractive in ensuring a faster run.

@ajd_phils Yes there is, it’s about 7~8 without the use of taunt, if you walk past enemies with the amount already gathered, you’ll see “!” but they won’t follow you unless you hit them with a basic attack. 7~8 might be wrong but it’s very close.

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thanks!! but i would like to clarify…

that is only for aggressive monsters right? if you hit them, about 15 mons., would you they all follow you? or is there a limit as well?

Personally I have never been able to aggro 15 monsters by basic attacking, partially due to ping(which makes auto attack soo annoying even if you bunny hop), partially because if you hit one and go the other way, it might leash and go back to it’s aggro range.

If you’re a Cryomancer, Ice Blast is a mini-taunt, if you use it in the middle of a group, you’ll notice every monster in your range will “!” onto you, but only 7-8 of them begins chasing you, the moment you kill one mob, one of the others who “!” will come over.

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Yep I’ve read it somewere (in faq’s i think) that outside dungeons the limit of monsters following you is 7-8 on most maps, on some it may differ though.

nice! thanks a lot for the explanation