Tree of Savior Forum

Any advice on this Psycho-Chronomancer build?

I really want to be a Psychokino C3 and also I would like to be more CC-support oriented, so I’m going to take Chronomancer path because I think it’s buffs are quite usefull.
This is my build

I’d like to be Chronomancer c3 too, but sadly I’ll have to wait until R8 classes are released… (and only if those R8 classes aren’t “better” than Chrono c3)

So, what do you think? Any advice that can help me?
Thanks in advance!

Hey there! When I first heard about the game, a telekinetic time controlling mage sounded really cool to me and I wanted to make a similar CC orientated build (more of the offensive).

As far as the current meta goes, it seems skipping chrono C3 as a supporter is an outright bad decision (or seen that way) and so I’d recommend you aim for Chronomancer C3 if this is the character you want to play upon release and enjoy doing so.

Cryo-Psycho C2 is probably considered an odd combination of ranks for a supporter, although it’s safe to assume CC classes all work well with each other. IMO, if you get a Hummingbird gem to raise your Ice Wall to Lvl 6 you should be able to pull some pretty cool stuff with your psycho skills.

As far as your build I think it looks fine although id suggest you use points from Magnetic Force (you only get damage out of levelling it, and you won’t want it for damage) into Raise (!!), Teleport & maybe a few in Swap;

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Kino C2 does not have Raise. Psychokino’s best CC skils are on C3, Raise and Gravity Pole.

It’s a tough choice really, if the OP goes for Kino C3, he loses Chrono C3.

This is my build:

You can copy it until Psychokino if you want :slight_smile:

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Thanks, but I don’t really like Alchemist… Maybe I should try Warlock? :S

That’s why i said this:

I assumed you were going to pick something else. Sorcerer C2 perhaps?

woops, I missread that xD sorry.
Sorcerer would be a nice option too… I don’t know, I have to think about this carefully

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If you wanna be more on the offensive side then Wiz 3 - Psycho 3 is you best bet. The 50% MATK boost from Quick Cast is going to be significant at every point in the game which combined with your CC and psychic pressure will make for fun times.

Yea as of right now Psycho C3/Chrono C3 is impossible, which is why I’d recommend going Psycho C2/Chrono C3 then finishing up psychokino rank 8 if a support CC type character is what you want

Thanks, I guess I’ll try psycho 2 - chrono 3!

I don’t want to play wiz 3 because nowadays everybody chooses to be wiz 3 for every type of character and I think that’s pretty boring. This game should have more diversity…

Let me just say this: dropping Kino C3 is going to be is a HUGE hit on your CC potential. Two of your greatest allies for CCing are Raise and Gravity Pole and these are Kino C3 skills. On top of that, your damage potential will be decreased as well so i STRONGLY recommend to not do this if your goal is to CC the crap out of this game.

It all comes down to your choice really:

  • Go for Kino C3 to CC like a god and have decent buffs as Chrono C2.


  • Go for Chrono C3 to support like a god and have poor CC potential as Kino C2 (Magnetic Force only).

It’s up to you.


I saw a Psycho-Chrono video doing PVP.

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This build will be a lot better once we get circles 8, 9, and 10. Psycho and Chrono c3 are both amazing. Hell, when we have c10, you could go Cryo, Psycho, AND Chrono c3 for super ultra mega super control mage!..

Damn, you’re so right.
My goal is to be a CC machine! So I’ll stick to my initial class build. Thank you!
I have changed some skill points, what do you think about this?

  • Wizard: Everyone builds this class different so i won’t comment on that.

  • Cryomancer: Good job here, i got the same skills myself. I was thinking about take one point out of Ice Bolt and get Ice Blast Lv 1, i know it’s bad but having more skills can’t be bad right? When everything else is on cooldown and i got a few monsters frozen in front of me, i just snap my fingers and hear that amazing voice saying AISU BUREISUTU! BOOM! Hahahahahaha!

  • Psychokino: C1 and C2 are perfect, C3 needs a couple adjustments. Magnetic Force is bad for damage because it hits only once so get Lv1 for CC purposes, Raise Lv 5 for increased duration and more targets, Telekinesis Lv 15 for increased duration, more hits and maximum enemy wrecking.

  • Chronomancer: I don’t know the first thing about this class, but seems alright to me. I would just take the 5 points you spent in Slow on C2 and put on Stop for maximum duration. At Level 10 it lasts for 15 seconds and, with the attribute, work on bosses as well.

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I’m also going to build something like this, but still confused bout stats - more balanced or offensive


They’re completely useless in PVP.

If you get a bad team you might as well just stand there and die. They nerfed a lot of psycho’s damaging skills and the control skills don’t help at all. People just walk right out of my raise, magnetic force, telekinesis and gravity pole.

I’m kinda sad I wasted a lot of time working on my C3 Psycho/C3 Chrono. T_T

I have kino3 and never experience this kind of thing…

My raise is just fine…gp slow also fine…i am super easily catch people at magnetic…and once caught they never walked out of it…unless the duration stop…
What bug is telekinesis…i admit that this skill kinda weird…u have to aim right (by mouse) and they easily caught…i can catch running cata…

I have lv 10 tele…and it kinda bug…sometimes it hit 5 times…sometimes it hits 9 times…and no knockback effect to non buffed player…and what i see from my screen is the player just walked … But honestly the player get knockback…its just at my screen they were walked out…idk i think this is lag cmiiw

Back when i am rank 6 and have only 2 kino… I do just fine at tbl…i rarely kill enemy but this class was supposed to cc…so i do cc just fine at pvp,evenwithout raise…yeah it kinda hard…but i manage to do magnet…sleep and pp stunlock… Earthquake…telekinesis…and repeat

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Dunno, people keep telling me their skills are working fine but seriously, time and time again the enemy team walks out of my skills. The animation initiates; like, they begin to fly up during the first part of raise… but then they just walk right out and drop down T_T

Hey can anyone help me with this—it’s kind of related.

So I have kino c3 Chrono c2 (soon to be c3).

Was wondering if I’ll ever do damage with Kino skills cause I have 251 Int and 117 spr—can’t kill anyone in PVP. Takes like 5-10 seconds straight of psychic pressure.

With this build should I just focus on the CC aspect and dump all that int into con?

I’m full INT kino 1 build, so I guess my int=> m.atk + skill’s base damage > yours (890 - correct me if I wrong).
Even I use QC + PP (with 70% attribute), I just hit ppl around 1k9 ~ 2k3 per hit in TBL.

K—thank you—that’s about right. Cause my attribute is on 50… Sigh*

So sad.