Tree of Savior Forum

Anvil exploit exposed in Ktos, possibly used within ITos as well

Thread is exploding.


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It’s not living in denial. It’s not living in a world where X reads as K just because it has similar lines.

The exploit is real and it’s on ktos, now if it affects others or is known or exists in iToS, no evidence.

No one’s defending anything right now.

But never forget there were people who said that such things do not exist.

I believe I said before that I’ll do everything on my end to whack weapons and discover exploits. But I didn’t know an addon was related onto it.

In the end, I got myself several +16 > +21 weapons but never found anything, yet.

At least this is a lead to something?

Note: I no longer trust, or will ever do ever since hook and public crash commands


+16 weapons shine white and they’re fairly common (I have two, btw). Meanwhile, weapons with over +21 enhancement shine red and those should be investigated. I don’t understand why you are being so defensive about this. Read the topic I linked in my previous post, you’ll understand how abysmally low are the chances to achieve +21 and over. I’m not asking for all people with red shining weapons to be banned, but to be investigated.


People can do their research, now that they got notified that this problem EXISTS they can just search for the source and abuse, sending a ticket would’ve been the right thing to do, because no one would look at it this way, because if you don’t know that something exists, you cannot look for it, but now you let people know, so they will try to abuse it.

You have my compliments for being this retarded, I guess you were just trying to ■■■■ on the game and generate more doomposters.

IMC are the devs and coders

+15 is White and +17 is Red glow

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im still waiting for sogran says what is the name of the command or the addon!

I should clarify that we have already looked into this issue and found no abnormal activities related to it (no related exploits) happening in iTOS or kTOS. kTOS is already preparing an announcement on this which will likely be published later today.


they can fix/change things when there is something wrong, meaning they can investigate matters/problems, meaning they can see the codes, no stupid ppl can do these things, so i hope they can do/help something, not just wait KTOS patch this exploit, that waiting proccess is enough time to destroy this game with this kind of bug

dunno but i dont believe you ines :P!!!


I’d like to say the same

I think we’ve seen this somewhere before, Deja vu?


RIght, Fox News crisis management team is taking out their propaganda megaphones.

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Does that means something like “exploit was dealt with but it wasn’t spread around”? Or something “there’s no exploit at all and the shield in the video is legit”?

or “the 777.777 k bug is not a bug. they just stronk” Bling%20Popo


There is strong evidence that he’s exploiting, this is very apparent. There is no evidence that everyone on itos with +21s has exploited though, that’s literally absurd and ultimately where most of you are going with this.


I know how low the chance is, and I’m saying you don’t know what an average is. I’m not being defensive in any way, I’m saying that you are literally crazy for thinking that everyone with a +21 weapon is even suspicious. Like not just possibly crazy, but actually crazy. There are hundreds of weapons, high level and low level, that are upgraded and destroyed every single day that you literally never see. And you think somehow that the very small handful that exist on each server now–when you factor in diamond anvils no less–is unlikely? We’re talking about a shockingly small number that exist. It’s not defensive to say that, it’s reality.

Who is more defensive, the person saying hey we’ve hit the average, that seems pretty normal except for some clear outliers like the guy in the video abusing it? Or the guy who is so assblasted that everyone who has a single +21 is suspicious because he himself can’t imagine getting even one successful +21 in several hundreds of thousands of data points?

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I never said everyone with +21 on itos have been exploiting it tho o_o

RIGHT, that was it, thanks for reminding.

That aside, staff, make sure you actually did everything on your end to check and keep doing so

because I recall on a different issue, you don’t “allow” people to do this/that, but still allow them to do so until now.

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there’s nothing to report
those players just have good gears
its not a bug
just gears



keep an eye on it, and act fast

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I meant that the source:

“It is the most unfortunate that even though I have been informed and corrected this big problem to the user, there is no notice.”

Which matches with what STAFF_Ines said.

Also seems the player has received 1000 TP for reporting the bug. Which could mean a single person reported it to IMC in a “bug bounty” situation instead of being a general abuse situation.