Tree of Savior Forum

Another "rate my build" thread X_X

Hello fellow saviors.

I played a bit during icbt2 but lost touch on updates since kobt.

Can any experts chime in and let me know if I’m making any fatal mistake?

Heres the build: Wiz1>Pyro2>Link>Sorc2>FF

Ditch 5 fire wall, take 5 enchant fire. You could also ditch Linker altogether, since it’s been nerfed and just one circle of it is…well, not that great. Especially since fireball can’t be manipulated anymore by the linker, or so I’ve heard.

I’m not familiar with other classes, but if I was doing something along the lines of your build, I’d do this:

Rank 1 - Rank 4 is pretty straight forward.

In Sorcerer tree, I feel like 1 main summon skill (Summoning) is enough, so I take only 1 point in Summon Salamion for the 100% uptime (60 sec duration and cooldown) and to serve more as a distraction rather than your primary summon.

Instead I put 10/10 in summon familiar because honestly, 10 bats flying into a target and exploding, dealing damage seems really strong to me.

The rest of the skills are a must for sorcerer, I’d say.

In Featherfoot tree, I’d just take first 3 skills and max them.

Ngadhundi seems like it’s only worth taking if you’re gonna play with archers classes in a group a lot, especially since you’re a pyromancer, meaning you already have a lot of damaging skills to work with. Along with summon familiar and your regular summons, it’s really a lot of attacking skills you have to work with, no need for another one.

Kurdaitcha just seems impractical to me, no point wasting any points on it.

Hey, thanks for the reply…

#1 too late i already went linker lol X_X

but fireball can still be linked to enemies so all good there.

#2 i will take your advice and stick to lvl1 salamion

#3 i just wanted to get Kurdaitcha for functionality, since it may help in dungeons or such. I heard bloodbath doesnt work with linker so should i max out the other 3? but bath for dem heals X_X.

i saw a video of a link/ff and i believed he used bloodbath on a fireball to gain hp. i could be tripping. let me try to find it xD

Hm, so not being able to link the fireball anymore was a false rumor. Alright, good to know.

Does it really need to work with linker? :stuck_out_tongue:

Just use it when you need it, without linking. I’m guessing what they meant is that bleed part isn’t working with linking, but there’s no reason for initial damage to not work, AND you’ll still apply bleed to your primary target, so it’s cool.