With the new episode and the new level increase we were expecting something better. But it seems all the recent complaints didn’t get heard…
(well at least you made Valentine Chocolates tradable so we can use the speed and exp boost on multiple characters for the 530 update)
Changes to Goddess Raid: Isle of Despair Rewards
Only party rewards get doubled. At this point, nobody does the party raid because it is stupidly tedious, so the change really doesn’t impact players much. And now we also lose the only reason to do this raid… the weekly silver amount. Getting 17 mats per run on solo/automatch doesn’t get us anywhere when you have to upgrade multiple characters. You should have also doubled the rewards for solo/auto.
Changes to Unknown Sanctuary 3F
Buffing the bosses was not necessary, it’s already tedious enough to kill them for most of the playerbase. And people don’t farm there anymore because it seems like a waste of time. What was necessary is removing the “50% chance of getting NOTHING” from the list of drops and allowing constant relic usage without having to switch channel after EVERY kill to replenish RP.
New Goddess Raid: Brutal Ledania
Entry GS for solo raid is 28500. Before this patch, even my main doesn’t have this value, and usually just succeeding accessories to the next tier doesn’t increase that value by much since you lose half the plusses on the accessories while succeeding. Attaining 30000 for automatch seems unrealistic even for main characters, which is absurd beyond stupidity… At this point, you assume that all players have a Jurate seal, advanced Jurate belt/spaulder, and extra stats from jurate scrolls on them and on the ark, overinflating GS with placebo items that don’t actually contribute that much to a character’s strength. At this point, having 500 GS on the ark that contributes 25% of a character’s damage output while having 9000 GS on the accessories that contribute nothing at all eludes me…
New Seal Advancement: Infinite Spear, Divine Shield
What to say about this…
- patch notes didn’t say how many relics you need to upgrade the seal, but I suppose it’s not just one
- fragment A is dropped probably at 0.01% chance from WBR, it’s gonna take a long time before seeing one
- fragment B drops at 1/700 chance in hard raids which you can do only once a week, and this implies you have the GS AND some other players to do the raids
- fragment C drops from 3f… if it’s the same order of drop chance as superior jurate fragments or evolution stones you’re in for a LOOOONG time farming
- fragment D seems the easiest to obtain since you can spam CM/DS, but of course it’s probably a 1/100000 chance drop
- the main problem here is that even if you are insanely lucky and get some relics… you probably don’t have a Superior Jurate seal to use them on, and I can tell you that you will NEVER have one unless the drop rate is changed (a little story here… our top player on EU server spent 1700 hours farming 3f, and during this absurd amount of time where he lost his sanity he only got a superior jurate fragment ONCE… yeah ONE drop for weeks and weeks of farming); the only way to get constant jurate fragments was to hunt followers when they existed, but they existed only for a brief period of time and you removed that part, leaving players with almost no chance to catch up to the couple top players that managed to get a superior seal
- but what am I even talking about… most of the players don’t even have a BLOODY JURATE SEAL, because it’s almost impossible to even get a Boruta seal to +5 with the cancer system that only makes upgrading the seal 1/3 chance of working and eating all the mats you farmed for years in the process when you fail, not mentioning you have to get seals and magic stones piece by piece at a really slow rate; not having seal upgrade being 100% accurate if you use all the magic stones requires eludes me at this point… it’s an obsolete system that has to go away
Shop Listings Updated
Please for the sake of God lower the cost of old enhance aids (TOS coin shop)… each time a new level cap is introduced old enhance raids get removed from weekly content and the only way to get them is by farming old maps that drop one or two every hour…
Here are a few questions:
- how long are we gonna wait to get a chance at a +5 Boruta seal?
- what happened to episode rewards? episode 14 was a LONG time ago, there is no reason to not release rewards for episodes 15 and 16…
To end on a positive note:
- 2.0 OP classes (Vanquisher, Sledger, Vulture) are back in Leticia cubes, which means people that couldn’t get these classes upon release will be able to get them this month