Tree of Savior Forum

Animus + Pyro/Ele Gear Questions

Heya Saviors,
Was trying to get my Gear all together but im stuck on whats best in slot my current build is Pyro/Ele/Onm got Archmage Bracelets but also got those braces from the last quest in Astral which gives like 120 magic crit atk per brace and some matk not sure which of those 2 is better since it is kinda a crit build with Firefox.

Also what Amulet is considered the best nowadays? Still using Animus which is fine I guess but wondering if there are better options to grind for. Also does it work when u equip all HP recovery items to give Animus a bigger boost then equipping your normal gear?

The best for Pyro/Ele/Omny is Agny Necklace

Oh damn I never knew that one does that 50% bonus accounts for dust/ball combo as well? And the 5x hit on meteor? Is it hard to get ? Ill check the market later got some Z to spare

and what would u say are best in slot for bracers?

Bugged. Don’t use that, it’ll lower your HPs whenever you switch maps.

This is nice. I’m using Ledas for my cryo, seems fitted since I don’t have anything much useful for that character.

Be warned that 50% extra attack on fire skills doesn’t mean that your fire skills will do 50% more damage! It simply means that you’ll get 50% of your basic MATK added to your fire skills. If you have 10k matk and you cast a 100k meteor, your damage will be 105k and not 150k…

Best is always to get accessories from a set. Archmage Bracelets are now completely outdated, since they are even outmatched by the free ones you get from the Astral Tower quest! If you can, the combo Solmiki Bracelets + Solmiki Medal is still pretty good, as they will give 40 STR/DEX/INT + 44 CON + 25 to all stats. Otherwise the Library raid sets are always a good choice. For your wizard, a Verijo set for example. Of course, if you have the time and ressources, your best bet is to farm for a Lynnki Sit set, but be prepared to invest a lot of your time for it. The good news: with the arrival of Boruta, you’d be able to get something extremely powerful with the Drakonas Lynnki Sit set: just check and drool…

Oh damn didnt know that about Animus got it way back in the day thinking it was really good haha using the Agny otm but holy â– â– â– â–  that Verijo set is pretty insane prob super expensive as well ima look that one up for sure that new set is absouletly bonkers tho holy damn gonna be crazy hard to get I assume

Also what staff should I aim for just got to max level and ready to hit the dungeons but I need something good to start with so dont come with velcoffer hahah maybe theres some hidden gem that aint too expensive

Asio Staff or Velcoffer with Asio ichor.

My staff user is simply using a primus 380 staff with some decent INT/CON stats (has even CR, which is funny because it’s now somewhat useful). If you don’t have invested too much in anything yet, your best bet indeed is getting an Asio Staff recipe and craft it.

I do have a quest saying I gotta go to Asio Dungeon but how in the world do I enter it? says I need 6 of some sort of firestone looking thing how do I get those. Also what should I focus on now im maxed out which dungeons should I grind

The fee to enter endgame raids is 6 Raid Portal Stones. You get the recipe by doing Challenge Mode and opening reward cubes (random drop from cube along level 315/350 mats). To craft the recipe, you also need 30 Nucle Powder and 15 Sierra Powder, so it’s a good idea to dismantle any random blue/purple/orange you get with bad stats and do Uphill missions.

Note that Raids are grindfests, as the reward for completing them is also a cube that has random stuff inside. You have 10% chance of getting a random recipe (so if you want an Asio staff, the chance you get the recipe is pretty slim – you’ll probably have to trade the random recipe you get for one), 5% chance of getting some badly needed Practonium (each recipe requires 3 Practo, which per se isn’t a problem since you get 3 guaranteed by doing 2 mere quests), and 85% chance of getting a “fragment” (the trash item – you will need 50 of them to get another random recipe, which means gathering 300 Raid Portal Stones and do the raid 50 times… ouch). You also have a slim chance of getting a recipe for an Ancient Gold Socket (the thing you put in your equippables if you don’t have the potential for another socket), but you shouldn’t bother with that.

At level 390, you can still do dun330 runs for the 100k silver + the class xp (usually you’re not at class 45 when you reach level 390 – my last char reached class 41 at that point) + the talt (that’s for your guild if you’re in one). But your best bet is Challenge Mode: you will need the Raid stones, the silver it gives, the trash drops for Powder or enhancing gems. Once you get your recipe for level 380 item (Asio staff or other), you will have to get the mats to craft it. Each recipe requires only 1 type from monster drops, so go to the map where it drops and do CM there. Solo CM stages 1-3 is enough to get 7-10 of those mats per run, or you can shout for a stage 6-7 CM party. Asio also requires sapphires, you will have to buy them or grind them from HG.