Tree of Savior Forum

Animus Doubt for full con wizard

If I make a full con wizard, the animus will greatly increase my damage?

Rumors has it that the one who wears this item will leave a part of his soul in a different world. Despite the vast number of people who are still researching on this matter, the mechanism of this item remains a mystery.

There are benefits to doing this. There are already wizards who do full con builds and this item makes it that much more worth it. The damage won’t be as comparable to full int though because its 40% of your con and then the amount after that is a damage range which you’d have to half the value for an average.

so compared full or high int builds the damage you will have won’t be great, but relative to full con builds it will be great.

seems like a bad idea…the animus is an ilvl of 170 the real end game for this game is 600, making a build for that item will ultimately leave your character useless after an expansion