Tree of Savior Forum

And thus the bugs have started

Down again? Cant connect. Emergency mainte?

Yes emergency maintenance, come back 9.30 later

Oh ok. Thanks. Finally they shut it down. Forums will be flooded with same topics lol.



Not gone my friend, IMC has simply turned them into Exp tomes, enjoy! :^)

That doesn’t seem like something IMC would do.

Post interesting equipment you found on people before the servers went down! :^)


LMAO, I hope they ban people like that

you should have post the team name as well. xD

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…sweet jesus.


Cafrisun for life lmao.

What server? I hope its not varena…pls…

fight fire with fire


ahaha, that made me laugh.[quote=“Wooooooooow, post:27, topic:321251”]
seems like a logical way to fix everything that just happened.

That doesn’t seem like something IMC would do.

The logical way for IMC is to break things even further, so you are correct.[quote=“WewLad, post:28, topic:321251”]
Post interesting equipment you found on people before the servers went down! :^)

what the !?!?!?

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I thought 15 is the max equips level in this game? Sorry for being noob. Lol

Screenshot for them as the last farewell present before they going to get ban?

Nope, it can go higher than 15, 15 is just the max shown on the equipment wiki.

The weapons that give increased skills are not working
I tested my staff Audra and does not work

Well more wtf then.

Please post the server too…thanks