Tree of Savior Forum

An idea for Out of Body (and consequently for Sadhu)

Hello there.

Since iCBT I always played a build with at least Sadhu C1 in it. It’s one of the classes in game I really love, but I feel it’s underwhelming. I’m not asking to go back to the iCBT Sadhu (insane attack speed + damage increase) or saying it’s a great idea, but IMC should give more attention to Sadhu’s main skill: Out of Body (OOB).

How is it today?

Out of Body make your spirit go off the character’s body, being connected by a spiritual string (1st word came to mind). You’re limited to a certain distance depending on OOB’s level and you can’t move your body. OOB’s auto attack (AA) divides your damage by 3, showing up, of course, 3 times on the screen.

My suggestion

Instead the spirit going off the body, I think my OOB suggestion should imbue the body with fluidical power for some seconds and maybe give some sort of bonus (random example: with more SP costs, other skills would have a bonus in damage based on your magic attack + elemental property attack), being Sadhus able to move freely and non cancellable by any way. Each level on this OOB would increase the time in this stance. Instead of damage divided by 3, damage would show as 1 and be affected by buffs like Sacrament and Blessing, for example. Since there’s no spirit to cast Sadhu skills (like Vashita Siddhi), the body would cast all skills instead.

How Sadhu skills would work with this new setup (except for OOB, explained above)?

  • Prakriti: since there’s no spirit to move your body, this skill wouldn’t have a reason to exist. Should substitute with another skill, since Sadhu C1 would have only 3 skills. lol
  • Astral Body Explosion (ABE): The fluidic power would explode around the body, ending the OOB stance (maybe give ABE a charge bar to increase range + damage of explosion).
  • Possession: it would remain the same. (haven’t thought about this skill)
  • Vashita Siddhi: same as ABE - the body would cast it since there’s no spirit anymore.
  • Transmit Prana: Give the fluidic power to 1 or a group of people in front of you. If it’s more than 1, the power would equally share and last for the current time you still have of OOB stance. Would boost magic attack of all the benefactors based on yours. After using the skill, the OOB stance would end.

This is what I thought it would be interesting, because Sadhu isn’t inviting for most people. This came out of nowhere and it’s pretty raw, so I may have forgotten something.

Thanks for your time reading it, I really appreciate it. :slight_smile:

lol chain would be better

and meh, i dont like the idea of getting rid f the spirit, its the whole concept of sadhu

vashiddha sidhi could be changed to an aoe, rather than a channling skill

I think the best idea to make OOB better would be to change the concept of one main body to two simultaneous main bodies.

Instead of having the spiritual cord being like a weak string, it should become strong, equivalent to the Linkers Hangmans Knot.
The idea would be the following:

Once you cast OOB, your spirit moves instead of your body like it is currently. However, if you press the jump button, the link between the body and the astral body becomes tightened, resulting in the body becoming pulled towards the astral body(like a slingshot, meaning your astral body is the point where your body moves around/through), damaging everything it its way. The farer the body is away from the astral body, the higher the damage becomes.

Also, the angle of the swing changes according to your movement. If you stay still and jump, the body gets swung above your head and slammed onto the ground before you(or behind you,if you are standing behind your body). The body should move through the astral body if moving linearly forwards/backwards.
If you move right or left and press jump, the body gets swung in this direction, similar to a hammer throwing hammer.
Basically, the astral body should become the central point, from which the body can be moved to point 2r (r being the distance between astral body and body, so the body moves from a point that’s distance r away behind the astral body to a point that’s distance r in front of the astral body, either in a linear movement or a circular movement).

This would solve the main issues Sadhus face because they lack the ability to attack and also the issue of the immovable regular body that’s swarmed and attacked by enemies, knocking the Sadhu out of OOB.