Tree of Savior Forum

An honest talk about the game

The major difference with RO (which has had a significant success even till now [proven by the lots of private servers indicating many people still interested by the game] ) is that, ToS has an automatching system… You can play the game autistically and have very little interaction.

In RO, people hangout… even some hungout in PvP area… There are just a lot of interactions going on in RO. For adventuring requires setting up a party, which ofc requires interaction. That’s the core issue with me.

In here, people just shout party for automatch and mostly stranger joins in silently… finishing the mission/DG with only “ty / Thanks” at the end does not count for interaction.

I know ToS is a different game and people should stop comparing it to RO, but when significant amount of people plays the game due to the RO feel of it, there’s just no way to not compare.

In the end, RO is good in its own way (interactions, feels more adventurous & free roaming) and ToS is also good in its own way (superior graphics & features, though much less on the adventuring part)

Really, i really miss the day when questing was so important. I was able to encounter someone do quest and introduced myself then asked whether he would want to do quest together. Old r8 patch also, encouraged party play, which you cant just solo clear those quests. You need a healer, a good dps, or maybe chrono to speed up and get those exp cards. Now it seems pretty easy to clear any quests, for exp cards and bonus status point. Worse is, the exp boost they gave to new players letting them to just speed lvl, diminishing player interaction further.

I hope they make r9 quests more enticing, exciting, harder, and notable rewards to make them really worth doing. That one example should make out of more player interaction.


We’ll make our own game; with Blackjack… and hookers!

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i got addicted to RO the only thing dat got mi out of eet was wen my pc broke and the router was doing so bad with the new pc that i cant play the game properly…

never looked back and i am happy that i didn’t

it wasnt fun anymore after the botpocalypse, not much peeps

and if there are, they’re making a personal appearance because someone’s killing their bots in the machine doll factory by igniting Constants in front of their bots

those are dark tiems… my only livelihood in the gaem wuss in de machinedoll faktory bcoz of de alice cards and orlean’s server

people just play it for the pvp and stuff. it’s like attac on titan where non botting plebz leik mi haz tu suffer ol de bots outsyd de city woll while dese botters libbe an luxurius laif in pvp an stuff leik dat

i luv tos, but i guess a lot of peeps wud be rly pissed tu see hao dei bow tu dem korrupt playurz jas bcoz dei high-paying

i olweiz dint leik de idea of pvp in mmo’s since dis is wann of de faktors dat maeks de gaem prone tu abuse an lose de respek of players hus nut intu eets powur struggel tu support de gaem

bugs i rly dunne mynd

Nice patch with promised fixes.

One of example for yesterday patch:

Copy Paste exactly how I feel, word for word.

I do, however, wish to add that IMC themselves said that they do not plan to have a short lifespan, perhaps due to cheap servers or what have you, I doubt the game will go down any time soon.

A rerelaunch is honestly not needed, you can seriously look past the exp/damage revamps and there’s still so much to enjoy in the game. This is a very undervalued game due to the game being released in a horrid state, but it’s all the more easier to play alone now as well.

You can still enjoy all that it has to offer, and although still buggy, I wouldn’t say much is very groundbreaking either. Don’t have massive expectations for events, expect exploits and a toxic community, but play the game how you want and I guarantee you can find something you love.

I came back from beta about a week ago, and I really regret that.

That is though, not me praising ToS for an amazing game. ToS is quite a lot, a LOT of potential to be an amazing game, but you have to accept that at this point, it quite literally never will be.
But for the niche you play these kinds of games for, there honestly isn’t much else better

Yep. These are exactly my thoughts on the game. I think IMC felt pressure, either financially or for some other reason, to push the game out way too early, when the later stages of the game were just not even finished, let alone polished. All of the cool and interesting exploration and discovery parts of the early games totally disappear as you get deeper in, and eventually the “endgame” is just doing the same dungeons and farming the same maps over and over.

If they’d not forced the game out early, maybe they’d have come up with a solution to this. But because they did, we got a broken unfinished “endgame” and IMC was forced to constantly release new microtransactions and half-finished updates in order to keep people spending money and keep the servers running. As such, it seems unlikely we’ll ever see a change.

For me personally, I feel like this game is waaay too good for some of the poor decisions that were made.

I’ve never played RO, I stuck to other mmos for years… so I really don’t know what that game was like at all. But I did play this game’s CBT1 + 2, and I loved it. I spent waaay too much time playing them both too, atleast 2/3rds of the time we were given.
As most people say, ToS has pretty great music and great aesthetic. The class rank system made me like this game alot, and hate every other game more. Customization is great, and I like doing the research. I do hate how it has the potential of screwing people over, though.

I feel like CBT2 was the prime form of this game. Despite the rough bugs, the content was difficult without being a massive pain (way less CC iirc), and progression felt more realistic. It’s starting to get better I think, but I really hate how empty and dismissable early content feels. I think they should have made early game harder, but lategame slightly easier and more lenient.

Post-release was probably the game at it’s worst, and I kindof blame Nexon for the possible rushed release, because I don’t think this game was that ready. But then at the same time, I feel like had it not been released early it would have failed even harder. Maybe not even be here now.

I don’t think a relaunch would do anything except kill the morale of mostly anyone else still playing it, whale or not. And then, probably the game. The best thing they can probably do is try their best to keep all those plates balanced.


This game is fun when the servers is new and still many people. Varena is only active when the prime time kicks on. when i go to diff field there is no one just mobs and npc everyone now only doing dungeon hahaha i miss the questing and grinding day. god i miss the opening of f2p servers. the lag at the crystal mines that will stuck you in the cleanser lol that was gold. the mercenary post and otrava shield lul

Old players may return but you won’t earn that much money from them. TOS needs new whales. There is a reason why TOS reached 50k players and that is because there are multiple websites and Youtubers that are playing the game which attracts curious people wanting to play a top down anime MMO. I have said this over and over again. IMC needs to advertise their game. Without new players the game will die. Fixing bugs will not let other people know that this game exists. Why not pay a Youtuber to play the game? The virtual Youtuber - Kizuna Ai has been doing paid advertisements for months now. Some games have even made custom content just for her. If IMC doesn’t have the money they can ask Nexon Japan to sponsor a 1 time advertisement for Kizuna Ai. But we all know IMC has already given up on this game and they are preparing to convert it into a much more profitable mobile game.

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Body seems unclear, is it a complete sentence?

Without boring people with a lengthy post, I agree 100%. This game had big potential, but squandered it by catering to your every day free to play whales. Then on top of that there has been so many exploiting, cheating and abusing of bugs that it became a very depressing game to play.

Double that with the fact that daily farming is and always was IV dripped to the players.

You can only do 3x runs of this. Times your character.
2x runs of that.
3x runs of this.
Open 24 hour CD box.
Farm 150 materials with 0.02% drop chance.
Farm Saalus for 347 days with 10 characters to make 1 single item good.
Every single day, over and over.
If you don’t, you’ll be left behind by your guild.
No ET/WB for you.

It burns you out. Tree of Savior feels like a second job with almost no good rewards at the end and when you realize some of the best geared people have been farming for their materials for months you realize there’s no catching up. If you were a new player you can’t even make more than 4 characters before you have to whip out your credit card.

Then the fact that there are exploiters and whales out there and hook users, botters and year long necrofarmers who have gains that aren’t even legitimate.

Then the fact that your own character might become worthless in a few patches later out of nowhere. Rank 9 also for some classes have no circles that make sense either.

Also the world of the game doesn’t feel like a world. It feels like small little arenas of monsters. I never feel like I’m travelling from town to town, but just hopping between maps. Not saying the maps aren’t gorgeus, they are, but I just don’t feel like I’m travelling a world.

I dropped the game long ago and I don’t intend to come back, but I keep checking the forums to see what the future holds. There are a few changes in the horizon that are legitimately good, but for everything good they implement something terrible again to make sure the strangle hold of “dailies” is enforced.

For example:

Good: Blessed shards are a world drop (has been requested since 2016 when transcendence was added)
Bad: However new orange materials need a key that needs 4 daily materials (4 challenge dungeon runs) and that only gives you a CHANCE to get an orange recipe so we’re back to square 1.


Good: Gear progression from hunting grounds is a little more in-depth with stats that can be modeled by repeatedly hunting in them, disenchanting them and rerolling, and drop rates seem to be increased too. This is good fun.
Bad: Transcendence is still a thing and all weapons are terrible until you invest over 1 billion silver worth of upgrades so the weapons do not matter. Monster in new HG have over 300k health too so effectively farming the places will be hard for everyone except top tier farming classes with top tier equipment.


Good: Practonium is 100% from the cube, no RNG.
Bad: You will need 2x for every piece of armor and accessory, meaning easily 10 practoniums for one set of gear, for one character.

I could go on, but in short I think TOS has run its’ course in the West. I’m not hoping the servers to close down or anything, but because this game only caters to the insanely extreme Asian grinders with a super aggressive cash shop I am not surprised TOS is in the state it is today.

You have a forum full of toxic players because they stink so much they hardly notice that the game does too. I don’t think I’ll be spending any money or time in TOS, because it’s clearly heading in a direction that most Koreans MMO’s do: $$$ buys power.

edit: oops, I guess I did end up making a lengthy post.


The iToS version of ToS didn’t work at all… Of course every other server had a lot of problems too but for the international market of game ToS was really a disappointment. I also had a lot of great experiences in the OBT in 2015. Two years late now the game just lost all the potential and initial ideas that catch me up back there. I had over 2.5k hours playing this game. I gave a lot of chance to the game to change but it came to be a nice mobile game for pc at the end. The game is not pve and not pvp… there is no content at all. It has passed over 1 year and a half with the same old/boring content. Its sad to see this game with a 2.5k players base (between 5 servers). Hope one day they can really fix the game with some good pve/pvp content.

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The game is in beta.

We need open testhelm,

We need more staff.

Wipeing is no good. Nor opening a new server. Unless if its a private.

We gotta deal with the current tos. Hope for class balance, game optimization, staff that plays the game. And a dev team that listens to players suggestions and polls.

No more exp boost events for newcomers. This kind of event only enlarges the bot army… farming non stop, hidden in random high level maps. Unspotable.
No more enslaving events.

Better servers, service and propaganda.

And of course: events that benefits old players. Those old players that truly love the game, and tolerates imc incompetence.

Sigh… all they need is to play 2 hours of tbl, climb all the way to the top of earth tower. And booom, they will know what players are facing.
Spend a week inside a active guild, playing as a normal player, and booom. They will know what kind of bugs and exploits players are facing/abusing.

Enough material to work hard on. :tired::tired:

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Kinda got the feeling that i already read dat last year (on the game is in trouble) :).

IMC didn’t hire one competent employee to work on this game. The fact you can’t delete friends is proof enough.


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