Tree of Savior Forum

An extremely toxic player

Hey, by that logic: If you can’t be a decent human being, STOP BREATHING :upside_down:


Ignore facts don’t make it easy and encourage other to do the same.


I was kinda sick of this topic and more or less going to move on but you’re more interested in attacking my character and comparing me to a ■■■■ than making a civil argument for why you disagree. Doesn’t give me much choice but to respond so let me deconstruct some of what you’re saying and why I think it’s hypocritical.

I think in the first post quote you might have a point, throwing insults back does add to the flame war but I think you’ve ignored my point that people will always without exception be toxic to some extent in a public UNMODERATED chat.

this is not the only place the op posted the screenshot above. They’re holding onto it because they’ve decided to have a personal vendetta against that person in the screenshot. Yeah, what he said was rude but there are literally tons and tons of messages complaining about BRs in shout chat and even HUGE topics with tons of posts that are outright prejudice against Brazil as a country. Would you want every single last person punished, brought to justice and banned for it? Because I think that’s insane.

I said he’s not harassing anyone in specific* This means he is not harassing any ONE(1) person. He’s on a public chat where his message will linger for at most 2 seconds because of the amount of messages in the shout. He paid tp to say something stupid just like everyone else does and it really shouldn’t be that offensive to any sensible person. Read my previous posts a bit more and think - there is not a single report on a BR member doing the same back to us. It does happen if you can believe it or not, discrimination happens on BOTH sides - the difference is that there is not a single post reporting this BR players is there? Why should there be?

This screenshot is ignorant and can be annoying sure but come on. It’s basically nothing and you should have the ability to get over it.

I wonder why it is that you will blindly defend against what you perceive as prejudice to the point without knowing much about me at all you decide to make bold statements about my character. Do you know what that is, when you attack someone to debunk their side of the argument? It only hurts your side of things.

If you actually READ what I posted and why I find it annoying - You’ll understand I am the opposite of thinking justice should be dealt with harsh punishments for small crimes. I believe if someone says something offensive at the MOST we should only slap them on the hands, give them a warning and ask them to be better in the future. Most people are not that bad if you give them a chance and can change for the better.

I am heavily against stoning people who said something to offend me. Unlike many of the people here apparently who would rather see him banned and his account disabled.

Either you’re a complete hypocrite or you’ve made a huge error in judgement about me. I’m not a perfect person but you’re making some pretty wild accusations friend.

Yeah I’m hilarious and adorable.

tl;dr stop being offended by things you subject yourself to, use the mute function. Censorship is still bad even if it’s against people you don’t like.

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I have no idea what these two are even trying to say rofl

One of them is telling me to stop breathing because I told them not to read things that offend them and the other is hardly even english.

It seems you’re doing the opposite…

My post talking about how your statement is hardly english refers to this mess.

I assume you’re not a native english speaker but it was not understandable.
That’s what I meant by “hardly english”

Your quotes are messed up, out of context to the point they don’t make sense grammatically. I think you should not bother arguing, the language barrier between us is just too great here.

Let’s agree to disagree.

Why you guys are even wasting time discussing something obvious? Those toxic players must absolutely be reported. Things like this shouldn’t, cannot and will never be tolerated.


And they thought I was the extremist.

It’s not that hard to understand the idea behind his words, but well I guess that’s because you only speak English, right?


Is that clear enough for you? Probably not, so let me give you an easy to understand example: What do you do whenever you see a bot spamming in shout chat? You right click and block him.

  • Did that stop the bot from spamming? No, but it doesnt affect you anymore, does it?
  • Did that stop other bots from spamming? No, but you can just block them all right? No, even better, you just close shout channel.
  • Did that stop you from seeing bots spamming? No, they are still everywhere, spamming in whatever channel they get a hold of.
  • Does that impact your gameplay experience? A bit, I guess, It’s annoying but you can live with it, right?

Now for someone that keeps offending a certain race or country out of fear because they don’t understand them. What do you do? Block him and its a done deal?

  • Did that stop that guy from slandering? No, he’s still an ■■■■■■■, a silenced one.
  • Did that stop other people from slandering? No, since they think its the normal thing to do, since there’s no consequences or it’s just accepted by a small immature group.
  • Did that stop you from seeing people slandering? No, even if you close chat you can still see them every now and then at the top of your screen, since it’s sooo hard to be cultured, oh wait.
  • Does that impact your gameplay experience? Not much, that person you just blocked could had an item/grind party/dungeon run you were interested in.

But well it doesn’t matter anymore IMC “solved” this by making a SA server, since its easier to open a server than to teach manners.

Yeah, extremely ignorant. :open_mouth:

Pretty much. Bye-bye.

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wow, you’re kind of a jerk. You’re so insanely personal and insulting in the way you write it’s hilarious that you’re on the other side of the argument.
I haven’t attacked people’s character to prove a point once yet but every post you made directed at me came with a passive aggressive insult followed by something dismissive.

Let me remind you, you’re defending this. It IS kinda hard to understand the idea behind his words because it’s nonsense? First off - it’s poorly written to the point I can’t argue with it because it’s not english. Second off - It’s something I clearly don’t agree with so I’m not gonna fill in the blanks to figure out what he meant by it more than he disagrees with me.

I wasn’t trying to be mean by saying he shouldn’t argue because he doesn’t speak english, I was saying he shouldn’t because it’s illogical. There is a language barrier in the way of me understanding his point or him understanding mine easily.

Beyond that you quote something I already responded to and decided to parrot someone else. You can make as many comparisons to bigots being as bad as bots as you want. I’m still not going to agree buddy.

oh snap girlfriend

My argument is pro freedom of speech no matter how offensive YOU find it to be. Maybe you should try actually following your own advice and respond in a civil way if you want to prove a point about how no one needs to be insulting each other. Hypocrite.

but you know what, I respect your right to be an ignorant ■■■■■■■ rofl

Watch, Emberley turns out to be dotapazappy. XD

Anyway, with all joking aside (I did say joking dotapazappy, I can tell that you are a very passionate person when it comes to your personal views), Emberley was out of line. In fact, I don’t care what ethnic background a person is, WE ALL have a group of immature, stupid, downright retarded pieces of trash that unfortunately make each and every ethnic group look and seem like a plague in some way, or another; however, that does not mean others need to be be rude over a global chat.

I do want to quote this:

That’s fine and everything, and I do support that . On the other hand, there is a different in being rude and being civil when speaking to others. All I’m saying is that I respect Emberley views even though mine are different, but he went about it the wrong way.

(I had a run in with this Emberley, and had to block him for being rude.)


Yeah that’s fair, I doubt I’d like him much either.

Most of my complaints come from a lot of the global chat or random reports I see just because people don’t like what someone said. Most of my complaints are a generalized rant on censorship.

I don’t think he’s right to report every person who speaks BR in the public chat, I think that’s an abuse of the report function. I just also think reporting every complaint you see about how people should be speaking english in the shout chat is just as wrong.

I like things to be very black and white not just arguing semantics. If you ban one person for being offensive and saying something you don’t like, then you gotta ban all people who are offensive to someone and it gets out of hand. I see things as either being on two sides of thought.

  1. Everyone must be polite and responsive to everyone else or they will be removed.

  2. Everyone is free to say what they want and ignore who they want.

I mean there are some cases where it gets so disruptive some action is needed but from what I’ve seen it feels more like this is about a personal vendetta on emberley since the op posted this same screenshot in other parts of the forum. I’m not gonna claim to know all the details or that I looked into how guilty/innocent this guy is BUT it would not be that hard for me to make a screenshot incriminating someone I didn’t like and pass it off as “racism” and that makes me uncomfortable.

I’ve seen cases in other games where screenshots are forged or things taken completely out of context in an attempt to ban someone who should at worst just get a warning.

I’m obviously biased in this but everyone who disregards everything I say just to throw an insult at me is a real hypocrite and would be banned for their misconduct if things worked the way they wanted.

tl;dr I think people should say whatever the heck they want even if it’s calling someone else a monkey. I don’t care how offended someone was by it. That’s just my opinion but you know what, ■■■■ you I’m entitled to it.

This guy deserves all his chat rights removed, trolling is a mental disorder quite litteraly.

This guy having his rights to spew insults at people removed might make him grow up and have some respect.

Alright but was he really trolling? He might just be an idiot that truly believes he’s justified in saying what he is saying in the shout. Maybe he’s angry about the amount of Brazilians and perceives they are ruining his gaming experience.

I don’t know if I would say every ■■■■■■■ online is just a troll.

mhh besides that trolling is a pretty broad term. Messing with people does have a certain funny charm to it that can often be completely harmless too so I wouldn’t say every internet troll is an awful terrible person. I question the legitimacy of an article like this as fact. It sounds more like an opinion piece using a very small sample size to me.

Not at all, there is a VAST difference to sledging an opponent, making jest and trolling. This guy is a hatefull racist plain and simple.

Okay but racists aren’t always trolls. Sometimes they actually do hate other races and aren’t just making it up ironically.

besides that Brazilians aren’t a race they’re just a nationality :z

Sure ok we can argue the semantics all day long, it still stands that this type of behavior doesnt have to be tolerated by anyone for even 1 second especially on a platform that everyone has paid to use. There is a terms of service and this guy broke them plain and simple, not only did he break it, im absolutely positive he did not read it.

He deserves to have his right to speak in the game removed as he is clearly abusing it to the detriment of as many people as he can possibly offend.

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Well I think that’s actually the best argument anyone in this thread has made against me. Tree of Savior has it’s own rules and he’s not abiding by them.

I think he deserves a warning and to be shown it’s not acceptable, heck take away his shout option but I think that’s all that should come of it.

I wouldn’t report him at all and would just ignore it because I don’t think reporting someone is an appropriate response to a slight offense.

My main problem with harsh punishments for petty crimes is that it’s not really a fair punishment. I’m sure if a GM confronted him, he would calm down and be a reasonable person and change for the better.

Do we really need to attack people and demand them beheaded with every small transgression they make?

Oh yeah, sorry for that, being “stupidly offended and insulting” was just to make sure if you would follow your own advice of ignoring whatever you didn’t like. I’ll be honest, your reaction was amusing and worth it. Dont worry, I now have a better understanding of your “culture” of freedom.


Did you even read the OP’s pictures? That guy was demanding every BR to kill themselves, Is that freedom of speech to you? That’s even against the law in some countries. And like ackadacka & cakezthehusky69 said, against ToS’s ToS.

Anyways, Im sure he won’t get banned for this. At least not permanently.

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are you really gonna pass off being a hypocrite on “I was just trolling XD” rofl

You want to claim I’m a hypocrite but like, here’s the difference between ideologies here. I’m not offended or super hurt by what you say, I have the mental fortitude to handle criticism or insults without needing to call for a gm to protect me. My culture of freedom is… just north american culture so ??? Like I dunno, this is ToS english version I didn’t know I was such a minority that the culture with freedom of speech was the minority.

I’m free to respond or not respond as I want and if I’m upset by your words on the internet I’ll have no one to blame but myself for talking to you. So stop twisting my words around for a desperate crack at my intelligence.

You should learn some respect yourself before preaching to me or anyone else about “respect”