Tree of Savior Forum

AMD Radeon Graphical Glitches

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Date and Time: January 13 (22:05 GMT-3)

Server Name: Silute

Bug Description :
Today I started using a new AMD Radeon RX 470 card and noted some graphical glitches in TOS.

This never occurred on my old Nvidia GTX 750 Ti. Also don´t occur on my notebook with an Intel HD 3000.

Screenshots / Video :

Game Control Mode (Keyboard/Joypad/Mouse) : Keyboard


  • CPU : Core i5 6400
  • RAM : 16 GB
  • Graphics Card : Radeon RX 470 (driver version Crimson ReLive 16.12.2)
  • Mainboard : G1 Sniper.B7
  • Storage : 480 GB SSD
  • OS : Windows 10 PRO x64
  • Internet Connection : 60 Mb/s
  • Country, Region : Brazil

@GM_Francis @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Yuri @STAFF_John @STAFF_Max @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Ines

UP! I still not found a solution for this.

Has anyone experienced this kind of problem?

I also have the same problem with my rx 480. same glitch but it works normally on my laptop

I think I found the cause of the problem.

The problem is that the AA used by TOS is not 100% compatible with AA implemented in Radeon drivers.

If you force AA via drivers to replace AA used by TOS, the problem is resolved, but another one comes: character shadows and some transparencies in game.

The only solution (workaround) for this is:

1 - Set the Radeon drivers to use “application settings” for AA
2 - Enable AA in game
3 - On the character selection screen, click on any pet, then select to use it with any character.
4 - Done! The bug is fixed for the entire game session.

This only happens with Radeon cards. Geforce and Intel cards are not affected.

This bug is similar to the “crazy head” bug that only affect AMD CPUs.

I think TOS dev team only uses Intel CPUs and Nvidia cards. They never tested the game with alternative CPUs and graphics cards of other brands.


Please send this bug report to the developers so they can take a look. Very anoying. I think the game must be tested not only with Nvidia/Intel Cards, but with AMD Radeon ones too.

This is the same case about AMD processors (TOS devs don’t test the game with AMD processors) so bugs like the “crazy spinning head” occurs (still not fixed).

Please fix! :slight_smile:

@STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Letitia @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Yuri @GM_Francis

You’re using an AMD GPU, that’s why… they just suck. LOL

I have a R9 290, and I don’t get this. You sure you’re not forcing features through the AMD Control Panel?

Yes. I’m not forcing anything.

If I force any settings via driver, the shadows transparency in game become corrupted. I think this only occurs with RX series and newer cards.

You are right. I’m really considering selling my AMD VGA and buying a Geforce GTX card.

The AMD thing has been going on for a really long time and there was no solution provided by IMC.

While we still eternally wait for the official fix, there is a way for you to remove the spinning head, by utilitizing an addon called zoomy plus and rotation the camera by 1 degree (command /zplus rotate 46 38). My friend also has an AMD processor and he said that it solved the problem.

I fixed this problem long time ago. Bought an Intel CPU. IMC will never fix it because they do not develop/test with any AMD products. Only Intel/Nvidia ones.

And I think they will ignore this new one too.