Tree of Savior Forum

Am i just idiot? Wiz3-Pyro3-X-Sage

Ok, follow me.

I have a Wz-Pyro3-Link2-Thauma atm and holy damn my DPS its just BS tbh, and look, i dont have the best item and stuff just agny and five hammer. I’m planing to go sage and quadra fireball and blabla you all know.

Here’s the thing, i’m thinking about create a new Wizz and go Wizz 3, i know that Quick Cast+Agny won’t work the way i want but, 450% fireball isn’t just f*king huge DPS min-max wise?

“But dude you kinda need JP for multhit”. Well what if i pick enchanter at my Main char and just create a crap out of JP?

Any thoughts?

(OH YEAH, soooo many of my fireball were canceled when i got hit when casting them, Surespell will make out for that)

I don’t know what you are expecting with a Five Hammer and I will take you put Red Gems on it?

Also, Five Hammer doesn’t work on JP, only on offensive spells (ex: FB, FG, FP etc…).

In all honesty, since you have a Linker in your build, take a staff, or get Ignition + any dagger with +x Fire and be happy, because with Linker you do the same thing as a Five Hammer, but more efficient (since you do 2x damage).

With Ignition, any kind of spell will trigger the burning effect, and I think it will trigger with the extra damage from Agny and Fire Enchant, I can be wrong here, I didn’t stop to check.

Not sure what Lv you are, but I think some CON is on demand, unless you will fill a Grynas Set with Red Gems (armor and pants) to fill the lack in HP pool. But even then, you might find yourself dying a couple of times, specially in dungeons.

Yeah, i feel that lack of HP already, i’ll put some point in CON soon.

i’m using five hammer just cuz have 5 sockets, but i mean that’s not the point

You can get better damage since different stats in purple/orange stuff, with 2/3 Lv 6 gems (Blue Gems).

Too bad it doesn’t give matk to off-hand stuff.

I’m using 5 5* blue, i might swap for red

join penalty scroll is cap at lv6

link3 is superior

6 links sounds good for me, and cap’d atm

ok for mob

not enough to burst down boss

Ahmmm, off-topic, how to show that status information near the exp card calculator? Is that an addon, if so, what;s the name of it?

Why i would need more than 5 to burst down a boss?

Yeap, it’s a addon. Stat viewer. You’ll find pretty easy if you use the addon maanager :smile:

Not sure what you mean…

Five Hammer like said got 5 gems and is the best pre Purple/Orange weapon you can get.
Purple are still costy for some people to make also she just lv 229 far from the lv 317 for the quest to get practinium.
Ignition was great… Before agni… Before gems upgrade, from what I know, ignition damage isn’t boosted by agni and five hammer can also have a dagger/shield it a 1 hand weapon. (You get more damage from statt*agni than some minor overtime burn from ignition)

You don’t use a five hammer/linker to just do basic attack… You do it for the statt it give you nothing is close from it before Purple Pract Weapon.

One thing tho, even with Agny, high mdef mob only take 1 damage if you don’t have the required mattk to do decent damage.

An example, I have a PD2 with 1.3k+ mattk, my gear is not that great in upgrades, I have an Ignition and the DoT from Incineration still does 1 dmg per tick, but the burn damage from Ignition do 1.5k damage per tick, be it not boos from Agny, still pretty good source of damage, hence my insistence on another weapon other than Five Hammer, also, on magic type weapons (rods and staffs) when you insert a Blue Gem, you immediately see the increase in the weapon damage.

Again, I will use my Ignition as example, I have 2 Blue Gems on it, not recalling now but I think both are Lv 6, the basic damage of Ignition is inscreased to 450+ magic damage.

I have a Five Hammer I’m using on my second Pard, it increase the overall damage on physical attacks, I tried it on my Pyro 2 Sorc 2, barely changed a thing from when I was using Ignition.

As for 315 gear, unfortunately, as you say, these weapons aren’t that good, depending on the build and what is required for the build, so we end up sticking up to lower level gear, with the exception of the 315 purple dagger.

DoT from Incineration still does 1 dmg per tick, but the burn damage from Ignition do 1.5k damage per tick

Don’t know ignition damage was ignoring magic defense. That kinda good.

on magic type weapons (rods and staffs) when you insert a Blue Gem, you immediately see the increase in the weapon damage.

Not sure what you try to point out here. Yeah, when magic or physical attack gems are put on a weapon of the same type, the damage is directly show on the weapon but it don’t give more than putting it blue on five hammer. Same for red gems they do the same thing except they also work on physical damage. Their boost will just be show in character statt insted of the weapon directly that it. It give nothing more or less to put blue/red etc on five hammer
Except red might be even better to break the 1 damage cap also they give a bit more than 2Time (Max damage) of blue gems as gem lv go up.
Blue gem make your dps more equal no unlucky hit that might take a bit longer to kill something.

As for 315 gear, unfortunately, ??as you say??, these weapons aren’t that good, depending on the build and what is required for the build, so we end up sticking up to lower level gear, with the exception of the 315 purple dagger.

Purple weapon are great, fireball is doing over 20k damage etc, but yeah there some mob with stupidly high magic resit, I can reach over a bit over 4k Matk right now with transcend 4 purple staff and 65% from chap card, i’m able to burst down even some mob that I was doing 1 damage to whitout chapp (I’m not even a thaum or linker, Pyro3/chrono3/sage)

But it true, some mob really do have a stupid amount of magic resit that physical class don’t seem to suffer from. But that not about weapon or anything it just the game that … kinda stupid sometime… Maybe more than sometime but that another story.

What I’m saying is, while the Red Gem it shows in the char status that is modified, it doesn’t show in the weapon it is socketed like the Blue Gem does in the mattk weapons.

Then again, it explicit says +Maximum Attack, but in the Blue Gem case, it says Mattk:

##Red Gem:

##Blue Gem:

##Stats screen:

The Red Gem only change the last values (Maximum Damage) while the Blue Gem change both mattk values (Minimum and Maximum Damage).

That explain why with a Five Hammer with all Red Gems have variable damages while with Blue the values are a bit more consistent.

The screenshots above are from my Pard with a Five Hammer and 5 Lv 4 Red Gems, the damage vary greatly, sometimes I kill a monster with 1 hit, other time I need to hit it 2x.

The same happen with magic, the hits (or time) to kill a monster vary because of that.

link hit limit


lv6=60hit that link would break before combo finish

4 fire balls combo do over 100hit in few second

lv16 = 160hit is better for burst down boss


We get what you say but it’s easier to break through red gems with luck + chapparition (linker Joint Penalty + Hang Knot + Thauma under +80%damage 4sec ) than your proposal.
We already have link resistant or immune monsters and boss, later and rank 9 they can add even more while nerfing fireball / links combo, I won’t try to gamble on linker 2 3.

Yeah, well, I talk from personal experience, I know you and others also have experienced it too, but from what I could notice in certain situations, you end up being 3rd or 4th in dealing damage.

I mean, doesn’t matter much, at least for me, but some might not want that for themselves.

In missions for example, my PD (C2 > Bokor 3 > Miko > Pd2) outdps most of the classes, even the meta ones, and my gear is not that really upgraded.

Five Hammer is a good weapon due to the socket number and the +5 AoE att ratio, which as I said before, works on the number of targets you can hit with AoE skills.
Not sure if it would have better use with 5 Blues than 5 Reds, also 5 Reds is the thing on that weapon, since you can use it on all classes in game, you have a weapon for leveling alts for a life time.

But them again, as I said, it is situational, as for Pyro, I do have 2, Pyro 1 Linker 2 Chrono 3 and a Pyro 2 Sorc 2 (with a messed up filler) and I use on the Sorc one another Ignition, I prefer that weapon due to its special stats too, for me at least that have low mattk works wonders.

They will rework Agny anyway, will probably lose around 40-50% (it’s my guess, there is no info on it, unless it’s already in the KR version and I don’t know anything from there as of now).


At first I too was wondering the utility of Linker with this kind of situation, but as a simple solution is only to avoid the maps where that happen.

Some example are…
##Kalejimas Dungeon:

  • Workshop = All mob is linkable
  • Investigation Room = Only Temple Slave Assassin can’t be linked
    #Other maps:
  • Maven = Red Nuos can’t be linked - It’s an area for grinding, but a Linker can go party in…
  • Jerome Park = all mob is linkable - For that, all mob there is phys attack, there are no ranged mob, and all can be linked and the map is smaller and more fluid than Maven, also the spawn there is 2-3x bigger.

Situations ^ where you can avoid issue with a single class (not only Linker, others too).

Despite the game been turned out to be a clone of those millions of browser games you see out there, where you have 1 single map for grinding each level, this one still have some RPG and strategy elements.

If you play with friends and guild, there will not be any issues, and you already know when with very good items you can burst boss alone between 4-20sec depending on builds and min max rolls on five hammer red*5/6 inside.

In missions you have elementalists, taoists, alchemists ( combustion xD), sappers (detonates magic circles) and auto attacks by non dex cleric and people making the boss run outside of your fire skills.
All these example are too much reasons explaining why you can’t do damage “normally”.

when I was around 161 I already had 2050 magic attack max with very good items and 94 fireball attributes maybe.
Without five hammer 6*red gems inside I would struggle later on without thauma 2 for example or without being full int.
I’m not sure the damage from ignition can really be good enough for 300 000+ monsters with high magic defense, and when you have high min damage from blue you won’t get the max damage fromred obviously.

In our current situation it’s not the end of the world about linkers, but later and with rank 9 too not only they may nerf fireball links combo damage and even add more resistant or link immune monsters, this is why I won’t put all my eggs in the same basket even if it’s meta currently.

To avoid the issue you have some crazy builds, pyro3 bases with featherfoot, or pyro3 + cryo3 or wiz3 + pyro3 + warlock 2 etc…

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Well kinda went a new path of the conversation , _ ,