Tree of Savior Forum

Always same mission dungeon is boring

Right now there is a hidden agreement between all players to only queue up for the Siauliai mission. This is needed to even find a group because of players would spread equally on all available missions, you’d have to wait 30+ minutes to even get a group.

But that also means you’d be doing the same thing over and over again from level 100-280. It really gets boring.

I suggest one of the following:

  1. Per day only one mission is available. It switches daily.

  2. No mission selection at the NPC, the party search queue is for all missions. When a group is put together a mission is randomly chosen.

  3. All missions are available but there are daily mission events that promote one mission. Like “Double XP/Silver/Cubes when doing mission X today”.

Please think about it.

  • “plus” for randomized missions

Siauliai mission is the best one for exp because it’s fast. The other’s are ugh. Just ugh

Tell IMC to remove that !@#$%^&*( 1 hour dungeon/mission limitation and I’ll agree with you in everything.

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Yeah, obviously Siauliai mission is best, that’s why everybody agreed on only queueing for it. That doesn’t change anything about my suggestion, though. It’s still boring always doing the same thing and IMC should do something about it.

If they simply balanced the missions then it would only become hard to ever find a group because the players spread too much between the missions. All of my three suggestions above circumvent that problem.

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Revamp all missions and make them having some sort of equal average time. Then, randomize the missions for your group. Perfect. It sounds way more dynamic and way more entertaining, I mean, it’s a MISSION, you’d never know what’s coming ahead of you. Spamming Siauliai is just a bad designed feature. Let’s hope IMC do something to make it great!

Oh, and the ending reward should be the same (EXP/Silver).
It could be different rewards, relying more on RNG, which is completely fine by me… but… encourages people to leave if they don’t get the missions they want.

So, yea, random objetives, random missions, dynamic groups, equal average time, same reward, and possibly even a better one because a mat reward? really?

Some ppl are so narrow minded… I don’t say it can’t be that other missions are not so good or even horrible but that just means they should revamp those a bit. What op said would be still better what we have now…

I don’t even know if I’ll ever have a chance to try the others because everbody is just doing the Siau one btw…

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just create a party when you are high/max-leveled and do manual enter on the mission you like to complete

Honestly, I can’t care less if those missions are worse. It’s unused content and unused content is bad.

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just create a party when you are high/max-leveled and do manual enter on the mission you like to complete

Good luck finding people that want to do the other missions with you when their reward sucks, though. You will probably search for days to just get enough friends in your level range to do a single run.

Randomized missions actually sounds fun. Neat idea

Bump! Don’t forget to lIke the topic, maybe @staff forwards it sooner to the devs.

With the amount of time 2 or even 3 missions take every day it gradually becomes indeed unremarkable of an event and you have virtually
no chance at getting the other cubes.

I wouldn’t go with the first choice, though. Players will start to prefer certain days, and then others will avoid the slow days, and so on.

Best, if IMC implements the the second option until the number of players stabilizes and starts rising again. Then, we can go with the third pick.

As it is right now with so few players left, at best we’ll get another meta and never get to visit the other 6 missions.