Tree of Savior Forum

Alternative modest recolors for female characters

I really like the creative designs and concepts this game has to offer and sexy is nice as an option, but currently it seems to be the only choice. Is it a possibility to get some sort of a practical recolor as an option for female characters that would replace the fishnets and thigh highs with just solid stockings? Maybe a way to choose not to have so much cleavage, or maybe even just an undershirt?

Of course it is always an option to just play a male character, but at least in my case being able to choose being sexy or practical as a female character would be a huge plus, instead of being pushed into it.

Thank you very much for hearing my two cents!

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You seem to only specify one or two of the class outfits. (most seem fairly modest)
The option would be nice… but if it’s just those two, it may just be easier to wait for new outfits.
(this would make a fine suggestion for cash shop / raid drop outfits, I’d say)

p.s. The class you reference seems to only be the female Sorcerer.

Uhm, mate, it’s an MMO, and it was made in Korea, the proverbial country of armored bikinis, no less.
I’d say it has a surprisingly low amount of fanservice (some NPC pics aside, pet vendor/peltasta master cough) overall.
It could’ve been worse, you know. Far worse.


I was kinda wondering about all the female sprites panty flashing me every step. But i am male and play male. However i could understand why a female gamer might want this.


Are you saying you can’t imagine any reason for people to play genders that aren’t their own?
For the point of the outfits that do flash their undergarments at you… I assumed most males should be able to get at least one reason why.

p.s. as a tip, the homosexuality is not the only form of sexual desire…

edit : I expect you didn’t mean what you said as a gibe.

Yes i understand that and i said in my post i understand why female gamers would want it changed. Either way it does not effect me i don’t get all horned up over a game sprite. And i always liked game characters being a manifestation of the player hence why i play male.


I’ll just reply to no one in particular.

Of course there is a certain style to Korean MMO’s, I understand that. Tree of Savior seems to even amp up the skin showing even more so than Ragnarok Online did. Of course it could have and can be far more worse, but suggestions are here for a reason and it possibly being worse isn’t really any sort of an reason to drop the subject.

Examples of needlessly sexualized female classes besides Sorceress would be Monk, Oracle, Druid and Wugushi. You can just compare them to the male equivalents style and sex appeal. Good examples of matching outfits for classes are Highlander, Swordsman, Krivis and Peltasta. These are just few examples, but you can clearly see the similar style and functionality and feel in both genders. It is really disappointing when the same classes outfits differ from each other in style and feel for the sake of showing leg, boob, or skin in general.

I’ll also repeat, that sexy is not the problem here, but the fact that a female character has to be sexual before practical. Sexy isn’t always about skin either, so it just feels lazy. It would just be nice to play a female character that looks like she can withstand some hits and survive in other climates, not just tropical.


Did you see what they did with 3rd classes in Ragnarok? You can’t make worse than those haha… I’m okay with more options so I’m not against it…but I still kinda don’t know what are you talking about. It’s almost like a joke thread… This game is kinda the most modest I have seen in ages. I know Oracle shows a lot of skin but I think even like that she looks rather cute than over sexualized.

On the topic of oracle look up old depictions of oracles. How shes dressed is actually not far off on that class.

I think in the case of oracle it is actually accurate.


Indeed, I see that you too surely wear the complete burqa whenever you must venture beyond your father’s house in the company of a male guardian. I have gone through my screenshots from beta and listed all the female characters who happened to be in the background, except for archers, who are so obscene I would die on the spot if I looked at one again. Each outfit as been annotated regarding why it is an offense against our traditions and these infidels must change their ways.

I hope they get a dedicated publisher for Saudi Arabia so modest burqa wearers such as ourselves can be free from the horror of exposed ankles, hair, and faces.

p.s. I’m disagreeing with you, just so there’s no confusion.


Honestly there’s very few lewd costume models in this game (which I’m pretty happy about), and the only gendered thing is that almost all the female sprites are wearing skirts of some kind. I could do without the panty shots, but honestly the skimpiness is incredibly toned down. There’s only a handful of costumes that have cleavage at all, and the only ones that are in bad taste are Sorcerer and Psychokino (of which is pretty much just a fancy dress - Sorcerer is the only “skimpy” costume in the game, in my opinion. Also, the male version is pretty revealing in its own right). I have no idea what class you’re speaking of that has fishnets, but there are none to my knowledge.

I’m all for what you’re talking about, because I really hate ridiculous female costume design, but this game is far from reaching an unacceptable point.

Also, you can always wear a more modest costume instead of one from your current class that you find unacceptable.

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As I have repeatedly tried to clarify, the problem is not being sexy but the fact, that there are no other options for female characters, thus removing the choice if you really want to be.
I would not mind it if skimpy female clothes we’re equally skimpy on males, it would be equal and really fun! But it is bothering me as a player, if I don’t get even as an option of as complete armor as male classes have, because my character has to show leg.
It is a game, it is a fantasy, it is alright to not have a “real” full armor. Not all male characters have full armor either, but usually those classes female equivalents have even less. That’s why I don’t think asking for stocking alternative instead of knee highs is out of the question. Anyone can wear their knee highs, but you don’t have to.

No need to implement any straw men into the conversation. If you can see the problem in forcing women wearing burqas (which has a really far-fetched correlation with asking alternate choice instead of just one), you can probably see the correlation with not giving other choice than sexy. I have no problem with whatever anyone wears in a video game or out of it, but it would personally be nice to have an alternate recolor just so a character could look a bit more fight appropriate for my personal taste. Have a nice day though, I liked your collage. It was hilarious!

Haha, I actually used to play old school Ragnarok Online, so I didn’t really have any contact with the 3rd classes. It might be the grittiness of Ragnarok online, but even those designs look more cluttered, so they seem more “filled in” and not as bad. Still pretty silly though. All the characters are cute, yo!

True, true. I admit the oracle isn’t that much different from the source material. It seems to be like the male one is the “inaccurate” one then. I get as skimpy men as women when I google. Was wrong about the female oracle then, my bad. Thanks for pointing it out!


Is that true? That is what I was wishing for, but when I google for some info about it, I only find another thread suggesting something like that in here. Also, you bring out good points. I don’t think the game is unacceptable in any way, far from it! I was just trying to make a small, manageable suggestion like stockings and started pointing out small things besides it. It is a really pretty game, and I really appreciate the hard work the developers and designers have put in it.

Just to clarify, I am not attacking anyone personally on the choice of playing a sexy character. That is okay and cool, you go boymangirl whoever! Enjoy the game!

Yep yep - costumes are actually equipment, of which is gained when you pick up a class through job advancement. Due to the incredibly high amount of class combinations, there’s a very high chance that you’ll pick up at least one of the more modest costumes along the way. They’re basically just vanity items (when you don’t have one equipped, you just appear as your base class).

What @Sourpuss said any class you have chosen for at least one rank you can wear the armor of. I am personally spending a rank just to get a costume i enjoy.

You can call that a strawman if you were posting because of not knowing about outfit swapping rather than complaining about all the options we can actually unlock, but nevertheless, a lot of the outfits you call sexy are what most of the world considers modest.

@Sourpuss @thebloodyaugust
That is so great to hear, I am so happy about it! Thank you for telling and explaining it to me, I had no idea about that and when people talked about costumes, I just assumed they would work the same way like in Ragnarok, as in just cosmetic stuff you can’t fight or use skills in. Sweet relief, phew! Thanks a bunch!

I was posting because of not knowing about outfit swapping. Though even if I had been complaining about all the available option, I wouldn’t have been condemning anyone or imaginary NPC’s about their attire but more so the creative choice of not letting females have proper armor. So it still is a pretty far-fetched reaching to jam an image of a burqa demanding slut-shamer, when I was just asking for stockings as an option. Other observations we’re just extra filling, but sort of in the same area so I babbled away. Sexy also does not equal lewd, so I guess it might be a wrong word to use here because a lot of people seem to be confused about it. Maybe unconventional would have been less provocative word? Still, the problem was not and wouldn’t have been the sex appeal itself, but the lack of choice to choose it or not. No judgement about anyone whatsoever there.

That’s all settled then folks, sorry for a fruitless thread. Thanks for taking time to explain it for me! Any style for everyone, hooray! Have a nice day/Good night!