Tree of Savior Forum

Alt dilemma: pyro2link vs wiz3link for chrono3->?

I am thinking to build a wiz for absolute future proof. So I targeted chrono3 for pass. Because pass reduce CD will always boost dps significantly and doesnt take buff slot.

however… pyro2link vs wiz3link really got me hesitant.
quick cast 50% is definitely future proof… but what if i end up keep choosing support class in order to be future proof? then quick cast is basically wasted for just MM.

pyro2 i can level up decently quick and i can just fire and forget the skills later if i become full support, but what if there is new class at R9 that get super benefit from quick cast 50% and force me into a dps+support class… pyro seem to fit well with sage (which i like the costume quite alot). However, enchanter might be able to make fireball/ground/pillar/wall interesting again too?

i intend to pvp decently often too, in this case it would be fireball firewall link vs quickcast MM + link. One more zoning, another more outright dps. How do pyro2 link and wiz3link compared to each other in pvp? Wiz3 sleep seem really strong too? but i cant imagine wiz3 MM can finish off sleeping target regardless.

Then there is solo dungeon farming. I would imagine they are both pretty good for low level area. Can pyro2link+pass kill 130~190 dungeon easily? quickcast+MM+link+pass = faster?

(not interested in cryo, i dont want to suffer in pve for that long, i mostly solo; and plague doctor ruin it)

i would honestly want to build to be able to CC and dps at the same time (and tanking), because i feel thats wiz master class’s birthright. (was tempted to take warlock r8 just to have 1 shot firepower in pvp… but decided not for more pve reason)

Pyro is garbage is your goal is future proof no matter what you will have to take wiz c3

Ok, let’s go

However, enchanter might be able to make fireball/ground/pillar/wall interesting again too?

I’m not sure how good enchanter is for a chrono build. I’m wiz3>link1 and going for sage because it has 2 new damage skills and as you’ve said, late game with just MM sucks. However, with a pyro build you already have DPS skills, but I don’t know if pyro works good late game.

How do pyro2 link and wiz3link compared to each other in pvp?

I never saw pyro 2 on PVP. But there are some pyro1/cryo1>link2>chrono3 and many cryo3/chrono3. Both builds always full CON focused on support and no decent damage. They are good builds for what is proposed (stay alive and annoying mob control (PVP and PVE).

Actually, I never saw on Fedimian (except me) an hybrid chrono with more INT than CON. And I can tell you for sure that my build “ideally” has the disadvantage because you only have the combo QC>JP>HN>MM to kill on PVP (it is really good and you can kill many linked targets at once, but you can die during the process because PVP is a mess).

So because of this, I prefer stay more as support during PVP, using sleep (REALLY worth it), Stop, haste, slow and quiken. Just if there is a plague on the other team you are f*** xD.

Can pyro2link+pass kill 130~190 dungeon easily? quickcast+MM+link+pass = faster?

Not sure. I always farm with party (and they love chronos xD).

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Don’t go Pyro2, you’ll regret it big time. Idk whether pyro3 is good though but definitely not pyro2.

For PVP/PVE, i’d still suggest cryo3chrono3… Welp, you can go for wiz3>link>chrono3 too. I believe these two builds are future proof.

First having QC while Second having all the CC of Cryo. :slight_smile:

The question is, for what you wanna have QC ?
I have that build on 234, it was a pain to level up and all you have is JP+QC+MM, which will be history after next patch. well, at least its going to be hammered.

Either go ( Full Con)
Wiz1 - Cryo3 - Chrono3
Wiz1 - Cryo1 - Linker2 - Chrono 3

Pyro + micro dimension + pass should be almost 400% dps in solo pve though.

While wiz3 almost have no synergy with sage.

So if i go wiz3link, i should most probably go into warlock r8.

Any more thoughts on enchanters? Anyone know how multi hit apply on it? I think i read it act like cafrisun add element? Mm interaction w/ enchant lightning?

After reading some more skill description. I am now leaning wiz3 sage more.

Sleep-quick cast-micro dimension is potentially a killer combo. Easy 16-20k dmg burst ( assuming tbl dmg reduction), which is pretty good for a mostly support class thats almost immune to projectile. Burst dmg is something pyro can never provide.

Actually, if you manage to link two fire balls to an enemy and you hangsman’s knot, you can burst someone down…

Now, if you actually get enough time to set up that, they deserved to die anyways.

PyroLinker here. Don’t do it . I’m not ever gonna reach Sage but base damages at later ranks make fireball useless and setup time is too long.

Unless they buff Pyros to scale or fix the bug where fireballs proc each other, the setup time is not worth it.

If you really want to you can go for it. Just know that you wont have the greatest of DPS.

I was thinking about a possible alternative option for wiz3>link>chrono3. Maybe Runecaster is better DD than sage? And with pass the CD would not be that much. Just wondering…

cant say i know much about rune caster aside that they are pretty expensive per cast.

would have to look it up.

RC’s damage and costs are okay; you pay 500 silver per runestone (= 500 silver per cast)

Rune of Destruction is absolute futureproof. 400% scaler, high base + multihit. It cant get better.

Rune of Justice is a bit lower in value; it hits 5 timse with a solid base

Rune of protection is going to be also not that bad at lvl 5 (50% resist to status)

The DPS of both skills is higher then Frost Clouds (Note: DPS, not DOT!)
RoD hits after 3 sec cast for like 70-80k+
RoJ hits after 3 sec for like 35-40k+
Frost Cloud hitted for like 30-35k after 3 sec

There are just better builds, then switching to RC at R8.Either go for full support and keep with your supporter role.The other possibility is, just leveling one of the futer proof dd’s, like Wiz3/Linker2/Necro3 or Elememe.