Tree of Savior Forum

Allowing silver transfer between characters in the same account

As the title suggests, it would be cool to be able to transfer silver from one character to another in the same account. Would kinda suck to have to farm from ground one just because you made a new character. This can probably be done through team storage , since it looks kinda empty unless people actually bother expanding it? Feel free to voice out your concerns and what not.

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I agree and disagree.
Ok it would help players but gold sellers as well.
If you want to transfer silver, you can give an item that you will sell with the other character. Since you don’t lose potential anymore with teal storage, it is viable.

And besides crafting class, your will mostly earn money from selling items.
As for crafting class, you can always buy items with this class then transfer to your other character without losing potential.

its no point the gold seller,coz even how they make the FXXKing tradding system people also can buy gold from the gold seller!!! the FKing tradding system only make anoying

Firstly, can you refrain from reviving a post like that after 26 days?
Secondly, ok, good for money trade but they need to change the collection system so we can take the money from the collection achievement with only one character. (Or else infinite money with infinite reroll.)

Agree!! Also I think no point on personal storage… items and silver should belong to the team and not to a char, it will encourage players to make more chars…

Not sure if reviving an old post or inundating the forum with a billion duplicate posts is worse…

Anyway I agree. Personally, even if it was just silver and not items, making it sharable would encourage me to make more characters for more instance dungeon runs or alt moneymaking classes. Which means more profits for IMC from character slots I guess?

Money transfer among one account should be allowed!!!

i don’t know i felt like quitting soon.

Silver transfer between character is not allowed, Cannot even store in Warehouse. In certain map, you die, u lost 5% of your silver on that character.

I really don’t know. It is a MMO, and becaue of unwelcomed Gold Seller, they add-on the trouble to us player, and now it became our area of concern.

How they prevent against Gold seller, there will always be a way for them to break in.

Auction house, having Highest ceiling and Lowest ceiling which u are not allowed to under and over prices. We need to craft everything before we can sell, if not the receipe prices is far below the set limit too.

Now it is like, i got this items, OMG i need to farm the Mat / buy the Mat so i can sell it off. All Material upon purchased are Binded too. I really don’t get it. Such cheap items even NPC purchased potion are binded, you cannot store them into TEAM STORAGE for your lower level character to use too.

Bot and Gold Seller, we players did try to report, the GM are banning them, But still they impose such inconvenient system upon us.

Low Level - Do Quest to Level Up
Level 100+ - Do 3 Mission, 3 Dungeon Daily
Level 200+ - Same ( Maybe world boss slightly? Or Guild War?)
Level 300+ - Same ( Maybe more world boss slightly? Or Guild War?) I guess?
Level 400+ - Same ( Maybe more world boss slightly? Or Guild War?) I guess?

Repair, Alchemist, everything seem 50% Tax ( I heard )

Everything in here are feeling so controlled. It seems everything are well thought, but if you think deeper, they are more like creating hardship for player to work around their system.

Prevention of Gold Farmer, Gold Seller, Imposing system that making everyone piss.

A Lodge implemented where everything cannot be shared, only starting with just 1 slot of Team Storage, Every 1 slot we expand it cost like this

1st Slot free
Expand 1 slot = 200k ( Total 2 Slot now )
Expand 1 more Slot = 400k ( Total 3 Slot Now )
Expand 1 more Slot = 800k ( Total 4 Slot Now )
Expand 1 more Slot = 1.6M ( Total 5 Slot Now )
Expand 1 more Slot = 3.2M ( Total 6 Slot Now )
and just keep double

I don’t know, Team Storage is some place we could only use to transfer and shared items between own character. If we don’t expand, we are only allowed to transfer 1 item by 1 item to another character including material.

Step 1 : Character A - Put in 1 item
Step 2 : Character B - Take out that item
Step 3 : Switch Back to Character A
Step 4 : Character A - Put 1 more item into Team Storage
Step 5 : Switch back to Character B

OMG, are we playing a MMO or it is the MMO is playing us? Sharing of items can be that Expensive OR Troublesome if you refuse to pay. Just keep switching character. Make sense?

Kinda getting bored and troublesome, just by moving my gear to my alt and move them back, moreover some items are Character Binding, You can’t put them to Team Storage as well. Stupid System.

Not being rude to anyone, Sometimes when I log in, I reached my Lodge, i stare at it awhile, I log out and went to play other games.

I would rather they remove the Lodge because it is like just the wall paper u can change, other than that, it is just like any other game with character selection screen, with totally no purpose for implementing it. Ultimately you still need to log into the game to access your team storage, Not like u could do it in lodge and from character A > Lodge Storage > character B within the Lodge. That would be much easy rather than log in and log out changing character. Kind of stupid system, having a lodge without any purposes.

They mentioned decorate your Lodge? Oh ya, by creating a lot of Level 1 character ( Pay them 33 TP each) and park them nicely standing in your lodge like a whole army in perfect rows, that is decorating. LOL

Did i mentioned 33 TP per character slot? Pets takes up 1 character slot too. So for those female players who enjoy collecting nice pets. Be prepared, Each time they Implement a new Pets with just a different Skin over the pets, you need to pay them 33 TP as well.

If along the way they implemented around 20 pets. Oh wow your lodge would be a zoo. ( 20 X 33 TP = 660 TP ) Good Money? Not to mention what coming up next? Pets equipment warehouse? No sharable again?

Step 1 : Strip 1 all parts from Pets A into Character A
Step 2 : Place 1 pcs of pets gear into team storage
Step 3 : Change character B
Step 4 : Take that 1 pcs of pet gear from Team Warehouse
Step 5 : Change Character again
and so on …

Think about if 2 character sharing everything, U might need to change character 24 times for just 12 items on your character. PLUS 12 times of your Pet for just 6 pcs of gear. By the time your changed fully and transfer over, You most prob lost your mood in playing anymore. LOL

The biggest problem I see with being able to trade silver is that people will exploit it to prevent silver loss on death.

That can be fixed by either making all the silver shared by the account, just like TP, or adding a 5% tax to putting silver in team storage.

Those Silver are we earn it ourselves. Auction House fees, I can understand because we are selling and buying. That is profit gain.

If placing silver in team storage by paying 5%. Then i guess it’s better that, All skills casted require Silver better right? It is like your own house and you place thing within your own house, u still need to pay “space rental”

It is not exploit to safe keeping our hard earned silver to prevent it from losting.
They are making players really pissed over their trading system. They can claim that this is to prevent gold selling or blah blah blah whatever stupid reaosning, But see what happen now? All server Megaphone boardcast are full with gold seller message. Which means their system failed.

It is their way of countering gold seller failed, they shouldn’t restrict us like that. Our own hard-earned silver, we should have our rights to keep it and prevent it for lost due to whatever reason.

All they want is to be strict with the server silver, but having silver on 1 character or shared by our whole teams, it is still the same amount of silver we are having.

To be very honest, The expansion of team storage per slot, LOL it is the most expensive so far in the history of MMO. U won’t be able to find another game that is so F.K-U.P (Highest cost) trying to restricting players and trying to Rip players hard. Making players having hard time to transfer 1 items by 1 items to another character.

Been 3 days not playing so far. but once awhile check back here is kind of fun. Watching the developer trying to “ACT” God in a game they created and manipulate our playing habit.