Tree of Savior Forum

Allow use of TP to increase attributes

I am certain most of us would like Tree of Savior to be profitable and stick around for a long time, but the issue is where IMC can make money without upsetting the F2P player-base.

My suggestion is allow us to use TP as a second way to improve attributes. This allows an impatient player to increase their power by a small amount, but still allows the dedicated F2P player the ability to accomplish the same goal without spending money. Just an idea to make some income without upsetting too many people.

Note: I have no issue with any of your other TP services at current, simply recommending this as a supplement.

Considering the massive expense that is currently laid out for higher level attributes, this would be a very welcome option. I would dread to think how much getting my whirlwind to 100 would take in terms of silver.

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When you pay silver to improve your character, it becomes to pay to win. Someone who wanted to drop some money to get their attributes to 100 at lower levels then do some PVP for example, their damage would be so much higher than another who couldn’t possibly have afforded such things on silver.
The Enchant Scrolls are already a gambling and pay to win device atm. Don’t suggest more.

The main purpose of these attributes is not just to power up your skills, but it is also a form of money sink in the game, so that the economy doesn’t fill up with huge amounts of money. Also remember that there’s going to be hundreds of levels. Its roughly 280 now but its supposed to be even higher. You’re not supposed to get these all at once, this is character growth that’s supposed to build up over a long time.

So long as the game isn’t subscription based there will be small P2W elements. I suggest this as a much better option than TP purchases for upgrades or unique (random) gear.

Silver needs to be “removed” somehow from the game, so the inflation isn’t too high.

Buy token with TP > Sell token for silver > Use silver on attributes.

This would accomplish the same thing, while at the same time helping F2P by adding to the amount of tokens available to buy.

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Good point.
The idea of the OP itself isn’t bad but again, silver needs to disappear somehow from the market so to prevent the huge inflation.
That’s why they’re introducing rental costumes soon a well. :slight_smile:

Bumping for more attention. Hoping for a response from someone who can make a change.