Tree of Savior Forum

Allow more than one Shop per account

Some players have multiple characters that can open shops but on the same account. I personally would like the option to open all my shops for my guild members at a cheaper price, but this is currently not possible.

Please consider allowing more than 1 shop opened per account. I currently don’t see a problem with this as some players create multiple accounts to do this already. Current system is only punishing players that play by the rules and stick to one account.
There are many shops already open so this would not affect the shop markets.

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I want this too


This would be great.Also we want to open shops in our guild base. -> So we can make them for almost free.

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While I personally don’t like the restriction, I’m glad it’s there. It regulates the number of shops in the game, which helps to keep some semblance of profit-gain possible. Without it, there would be so many shops of each type everyone would have to sell at non-profit or a loss.


I second this. It’s bad enough as it is, no need to make it worse.

This is a tempting change, however, I am a little concerned that it will cause too much competition. Not to mention that there are waves of new players coming into the game and it would be nice for them to be able to run their shops without having to compete with players that can open 5.

Torn. It’s great for oldies but I think it’s got a few negatives for newbies. Not to mention, as Aqours mentioned, it could cause over-abundance.

You’re not wrong about the multi-accounts though. They are problematic.

Based on Ragnarok Online, I believe that would not work, unless the developers
mess around the game to make so an account can have multiple characters online.

Also, I believe there may be a limit of shops inside the maps, but I believe this statement
is not really valid, since every channel have a limit of characters.