Tree of Savior Forum

Alchemist moneymaker build?

Hey there. My wiz is currently level 202 with a full stat/circle reset that I’m gonna turn into a moneymaking / gearbooster alchemist. I’m going for rank 8 (15) through dungeon runs only and I’m in need of a decent dungeon run build to get there.

I was thinking of going either wiz->cryo3->sorc->alch3 or wiz->pyro1->link1->thaum2->alch3 build just to be useful in the dungeon runs. Which sounds better or perhaps there is an even better build?

Farming materials will most likely be done on other chars and I will probably not use the alchemist for anything else besides boosting my other chars gear and moneymaking.

Other questions related to this is what stat build should i go, does stats improve alchemist skills in any way besides the atk skills which I’m not getting?

How many people is needed for awakening high end gear, do i need lvl 5 awakening?

I think that is it, thanks for any help provided.

You dont need lv.5 awakening
I recommend Wiz3>Ele2>Alche3 (bliss to level)

Last i remember when i started out a year i go I hated ele for their long ass cast times but back then i didn’t have quickcast when going for the first circle of ele. Has anything changed after the patch for ele btw? Either way I’ll check out some gameplay vids, thanks for the advice.

So should be enough with like awakening lv3?

Level two is enough, the dungeon isnt hard i just time consuming.
Normally you will just party with someone > enter awk dg > leave party and let the guy that paid you finish the job.

Elementalist with wiz3 is fine because of quickcast and nah nothing changed.

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I have an Alchemist, (W2>Pyro3>Alche3).
If you want make money… It’s disappointing.

Making pots is impossible to compete with bots (at current value, I need sell like 5000 potions to profit 200k (I get more doing DGs/HGs).
Awekining is barely used (Lv2 awakening is fine, is easy to kill these mobs/boss, I awake all my 315 gear w/o problem).
Brinqueting is risky (you can weaken your gear).
Gem Roast shop profit is less than potions.
Magnum Opus is useless…
Dig is a joke…
Alchemist Missile is weak (I do more damage with Flare)…

At least I can make my own potions for my chars.
But I’m disappointed with Alchemist class.

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Don’t expect to make a lot of money with an alch.

I wouldnt expect to make a lot of money from any class really, what i’m really after is the briquette skill and awakening for my own gear and perhaps make potions for myself. But when I’m not on it, it can just stand selling roast or whatever.

But thanks guys

go ele 2 for ele 3 at rank 9.

Personal experiencie as alchemist:

I agree that alchemist its more of a class for personal use at his current state, reason why its because the things he can do are not good enough to be considered an actual need for endgame gear.

1.- Pots, not profitable but super helpful for personal use
2.- Awakening bonus are very low to be considered any good you just do it for the lulz and to show off. Hp on gear its pretty nice tho.
3.- Briquetting its not as bad as people say(it needs to be fixed tho), but its a 50%-50% and you can lose more of what you gain. What i dislike about the skill its that its not consistent as the skill level shows, what i mean by that its that you can get a value between 1 to the % that the skill shows IDK why, should be min-max as the tooltip shows. I did some briquette yesterday and got lucky enough to get a 7.5% bonus dmg on my staff but when i did with a friend’s weapon it gained 1% twice and then it lost 5%, was heartbreaking TBH. If you are going to briquette do it after regular upgrade since it eats potential, (you can always use awakening stone for the desired results on awakening). It’s very risky atm and it needs to be fixed IMO, if they fix it someday might become an actual MUST for end game since the boost its pretty significant if you get lucky.
3.- Gem roasting, again, personal use only, too many gem roast shops and they tend to lowball a lot even if they end up gaining nothing.
4.- Opus its super useful for hard to get stuff, might become even beter when the rank 9 stuff arrives.

As for builds:

W3 ele2 alche3 sounds solid since you can take ele3 at rank9, and to be honest hail just carry you in regular dungeons/dailys, also with the electrocute and meteor update its sounds even better.

Pyro2 ele2 alche3 its another variant that does ok, awakening dungeon wise you can just spam fireballs in the respawn zone and the mobs die as soon as they spawn, (if you feel lazy its actually very helpful), not to mention that fireball its going 5 charges soon. Just be prepared to deal with long casting that can be interrupted thus making in it hard for soloing.

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I rolled a full SPR Wiz1 - Cryo 3 - Sorc 1 - Alchemist and currently I’m on circle two of alchemist. If you decide to take this route, expect to deal very little damage. Even with the event maga rod, my ice pikes are only doing about 1200ish per hit, snow rolling around 3400 or so, which seems like a lot, but when you have to rely on that as your only real clear skill, it just isn’t great.

My temple shooter is still only lv 3 and deals an okish amount of damage per auto attack. I would say that while this build is mechanically fun and frost pillar is a very satisfying move to use, you’re probably going to have an easier time using pyro or some variant of linker, or just dropping sorc altogether since monster AA damage needs SPR and all your other abilities will want INT

using wiz2 link2 thaum1 alch 3 for HG farming because i already have another “dps” featherfoot build. planning to top it off with thaum2 or the new class if its worth it. currently 320

If you just use it to boost your main char, then any not really matter,but:

Only one circle of sorc is kind of useless. Pyro-link-thaum is good for farming crystalmine.

Alchemist is the class that I have played since beta. I have rolled 2 Alch, 3 actually but reset one.

You can choose to change the appearance of the weapon with Briquetting, lvl 1 is enough for the look but it has a chance to low down atk of your weapon so…by the other words, it’s useless.

Item Awakening is like playing lottery but with worthless reward. lvl2 is enough for awaken your items or help your friends to awaken theirs.

Tincturing is kind of good-ish? but not for making money nowadays.

Magnum Opus is GREAT, it saves me a ton of time of farming rare materials. Plus , you can make this lovely little mistaken called Homonculus with lvl 6 MO.

(It’s actually kind of useless but who care~)

The other skills are worst than what called “useless”.

Gem Roasting? It’s the Biggest mistake that has been made !!! (but still good if you just want to roast your own gems).

Btw, welcome to Alchemistake~.

I like homunculus… It’s cute.
Can be a lot better? No doubt.
But I assigned Fire Pillar and buffs, and like it.
The AI is retarded, but help me with my buffs countdown and mob control with Fire Pillar.

Homunculus it’s a sea of possibilities, as almost all other Alchemist skills is underdeveloped, tho.

There is an addon to see what items you can craft with magnum opus, and Alchemist can actually make a pretty good amount of money if you utilize magnum opus to turn easy to farm mats into rare mats and sell through market.

One reason nobody really capitalizes on this is because it’s delayed gratification (I mean even the magnum opus’s long animation alone is mind numbing), and you never know how long it will take for the mats you post to sell. Alchemist has to actively farm to make silver this way though, and in the end, probably the biggest reason nobody does this is because the class itself is boring.

Went with wiz->pyro->link2->sorc->alch and going full spr most likely. But holding on to the stats till the summon patch comes out. Getting lvl 317 is fairly easy with all the exp boosts and dungeon multipliers, just waiting for 2 more multipliers then ill start doing the dungeon runs from 200-317+ with a 8x exp book xD