Tree of Savior Forum

Alchemist c3 worth taking?

Is it worth taking, or is alchemist c2 sufficient? Has anyone went c3? Any feedback appreciated. Thanks!


lvl 15 pots sweet sweet lvl 15 pots.

Good luck on the C3 quest though it’s tough asf. (definitely worth it if you are the sole alchemist in a guild)

Well you pretty much have to go c3 if you plan on selling pots. 15 and 10s are so close in price no one buys the 10s now.

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I’m aiming for alche c3 as well.
The skill I’m most interested in is opus for the homunculus and whatnot.
Few questions:
Is necessary to spend more than one point in dig?
Gem roasting lvl is related to the gem lvl I take? Since no one uses gems above 6, 5 or 6 points are enough? (don’t see anyone using lvl 10 gems anytime soon)
Do you need more than one point in awakening? I take it with 1 point you have to enter the dungeon alone, is it feasible or do you need help to do the awakening?
Considering I’m willing to give up on using gem roast, is alchemistic missile worth taking to be able to have some offense on my own, or I’m better off putting more points in dig/awakening/briquetting?

I’ve seen level 8 gems in Telsiai :scream:

alchemistic missile is kinda meh…

As for gem roasting 7-9 will require level 7-9… and they are common now so yea.

Awakening wise if you are selling service optimal will be around 3

Briquetting is either max or none

I have 8s myself so it’s no surprise. I seen tons of peeps with lv 8 gems in telsiai during matching so :stuck_out_tongue:

Well I don’t have to plans to grind any gems ever and If I ever manage to get one to high lvl I’ll just have someone else roast it so at least I’m sure I’m saving skill points on that side.

I was considering stopping briqueting at -+10% to put points on alche missile (at lvl 5 it says something like 6.6k atk, doesn’t sound that bad?). So it’s worth it more to max briqueting to -+12% and pass on the missile?

What about dig? 1-5 points enough or I’ll want to kill myself if I don’t dig 15 items at once?

Alche missile is basically energy blot at higher attack. Unless you already took linker and pryo pre before hand it won’t work out well.

Briquetting will be the next thing up on Max min. It will be basically the next in when Enhancing cost are too high to keep up( like +9 ~ + 10 is 4m.)

Briquetting will cost 1 pot for max min players. to even hit (40-50 extra attack power/magic attack)

I personally don’t find any much useful things with dig other than glass piece… soo… :frowning:

Yeah I’m Pirolinker, took sorc for rank 5 because cute cat.
Just saw the video of am, the vissual effect is super bland, I was imagining something more like meteor from the skill icon lol.


Comes out at 45 skill points so that looks good to me.
I’m just turning alche c1 today so I guess I’ll have plenty of time and grind to decide what I’ll spend the points in by the time I hit c3.

Thanks a lot for the tips. Can’t wait to create stuff with opus and drink my own potions instead of paying others xD

What’s the fastest way to grind to R8? It sucks that alchemist class lose 3 DPS circles and no one really wants to party up with you.

Why not? If you are a linker every one will like you regardless.

thats what im doing, use linker to carry any worthless wizard build.

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Stupid question (shut up), but can Homunculus use Alchemistic Missile?

I don’t think so. I haven seen any one in KTOS mentioning about alchemist skill itself.

A key thing to keep in mind is homunculus will only have skills the alchemist crafter have himself.

So if they have JP 10 (homunculus will have JP10).

I am not sure if this is changed since (KTOS thinks homunculus is kinda dumb and not rewarding) so there is actually very little data around…

I am Alche 3, have Awkening lvl 5, Tincturing lvl 15, Gemroasting 10, Dig 1 Magnum Opus 6. The Class quest is really hard. Have do it with full Group lvl 315.
But I will do it always again, if i get my Homunculus in near future all perfect for Money making^^

Dude, you really scared me. It is hard, but not that hard.

Absolutely soloable.

Not with my Build Atari. ^^