Tree of Savior Forum

Alchemist Build?

Unfortunately I couldn’t find anything using the search function and I know literally nothing about the wizard trees. I’m not looking to do anything crazy with the alchemist, I just want to have access to those interesting skills (potion making, item awakening, magnum opus) and to see if anything else exciting comes out in C3 for them.

With that in mind, I have no idea what circles or skills to take leading up to Alchemist or even what items wizards use. I was able to really quickly level up a QS3/Wugu and am hoping that wizard has similar circles (something I can easily run around on and blow things up as I move from map to map), basically something that can solo easy enough and level up quickly.

Thanks for any advice!

Theres plenty of threads about this…

Fast lvling are Pyro+Link combo

Very easy to level. Start with pyro 1 linker 1 for fireball+link combo.

Wear lv15 full cafrisun set, buy Sacrament buff from pardoner, and 5/5 Enchant Fire for full uptime. Your auto-attack will hit 3 or 4x and you’ll be able to one-shot most things. At 75 with arde dagger you’ll kill even faster.

Lv 1-100 I just literally kept bunny hopping and one-shooting my way from klaipeda to Fedimian.

Does that look right then? Again I have no idea what I’m doing lol

If you want a pyro3 alch, i would do it this way:

I maxed Hell Breath in the hope that it will get the ktos upgrade in the future.

theres a few popular build around pyro+link such as

Pyro1>link2>sorc ( I using this for my Alch(in the making) )

with the upcoming Card system we can just go full INT(good for Sorc route) and let the card support the HP/Con for survival.