Tree of Savior Forum

Alchemist Build Variants

Hey hey!

Has anyone tried any variants of Alchemist builds with this current rank 9 update? If so, do share them here!

I’m thinking if either W1 Cryo3 Sorc1 Alch3 Shadow1, or W1 Pyro2 Link2 Alch3 Shadow1, but I’m not sure how each build differs from the other.

Do discuss! I’d like to see what variants of Alchemist builds players have tried so far!

Cryo3 Sorc2 alchemist3.
Wiz2 Linker2 Sorc2 Alchemist3.
Wiz2 link1 thaum3 alchemist3.
Wiz2 Cryo2 kino1 Alchemist3 Runecaster.

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Were these builds you tested? If so, how we’re your experiences?

Or are you suggesting builds?

I have tried it without alchemist, it is very similar because alchemist does not offer a lot of dps for any build. Do you want to bring alchemist to battle? Alchemist is not a great dps class. If you need a recommendation, I will suggest sorc2 alchemist3. Sorc is very strong.

Wiz3 Ele3 Alche3 :distinguished:

My Alche just went Enchanter 1 after trying (again) all the other variants I tried back in May, in the end it’s all about what you need off your Alchemist (beside potions).
Mine is currently Wiz1Pyro2Thauma2Alche3Enchanter1

  • Decent “damage” for daily content
  • Buffs for party members
  • Enchant Fire scrolls (the reason I went Enchanter 1)

@Jyabami I tried your build too, it’s totally fine, the problem is… how much did you invest on that char?
My alche had the barely minimum for his own attributes for potions/awakening/briquetting and Pyro spells from when he was leveling up.
Even if you’re Ele3 if you have zero investment on it, it won’t change much. :frowning:

I get that Sorc2 is really good, but for the love of IMC I cannot bring myself to like the riding playstyle Sorc2 offers.

Which is why I wanted to try rounding off the Alchemist build with Shadow1, seeing as it’s kinda(?) a great one-circle filler.

Maybe something like W1 Pyro2 Link2 Alch3 Shadow1 or W1 Cryo3 Sorc1 Alch3 Shadow1

@Jyabami how does that build perform though? Do you have enough cha-ching for attributes? Does it do well for daily stuff or grinds? I’d like to know more, it seems pretty legit.


Oooh, yeah that makes sense. Does Pyro2 fit in your build? I was thinking of W1 Pyro2 Link2 Alch3 Shadow1, but I wasn’t sure if Pyro2 would be doing anything late game.

Also, does Ench1 feel lacking compared Ench2, with the lack of Lightning Hands and stuff.

I use my Alche just to do Alche things and Saalus/DG slave. :joy:
Wiz3Ele3 is already strong as it is and you can just give it good weapon for better gaming experience. My Alche was Pyro2Link2 before, it was good but I feel it’s kinda lacking especially against Bosses (cough Saalus) compared to Wiz3Ele3 where you can just cast Frost Cloud and call it a day.

Yeah, Enchanter1 isn’t even remotely comparable to Enchanter2, you take Enchanter1 for the Scrolls options only basically… with this char being basically a Potions/Saalus slave, it was the less expensive option that offered more utility that I could find, every other variant required at least some investment in damage attributes to perform, so I tried to squeeze out of it the most I could. :slight_smile:
Pyro is lackluster for everything in general, outside normal questing, it’s not a Boss killer like a Cryo/Kino, or AoE like a Wiz3Ele3, I also tried Sorc2 for Riding since it’s very strong and balanced in both single/AoE with a good summon, but I can’t get used to it sadly, it just feels slow and clunky to me and in the end I didn’t really want another character “to play”. :confused:

In the end, it’s really all about what you need it for, I realized that since what I do with it is just crafting potions and Saalus, having the option to craft Enchant Fire scrolls was the next best thing I could do with it, it helps me farm the new stuff with my other characters and requires no further investment, Wiz3Ele3 was an interesting choice at first, but if you still do Saalus in groups it doesn’t really matter, nowadays everyone just rush through Saalus with a strong character and then switch on last Boss, so no matter what I picked on this char it would hve never performed better than my mains/other people mains, so I went for the utility route!



For daily saalus and Challenge mode.

My Alchemist is Wiz1,pyro1,Link1,Thauma,Chrono,Alche3,Enchanter as scroll maker.