Tree of Savior Forum

Alchemist Build Struggles ;3

Really not sure what to do with my Alchemist (as change in shadowmancer 1 numbers seems to make it very link dependant)

Thought about two options

W1Cryo3Sorc2Alch3 Full Spr aka Lazy Build, from time to time I can hop down and Ice Tree groups, than hop back to safety of my 10* Dark Lord mount (need to get Froster lord ;3)
Advantage is that pretty much you need only level one dmg skill (Mount riding)
No need to heal (mount absorbs 90% of all beatings it seems)
Disadvantage is that if it gets too good it can get nerf hammered
Initialy I thought about build it with Link 2 but than realised I will spent most of the way on top of mount spaming its skills anyway, so hoping down to link few mobs would lower my sustained damage

W2Link3Alch3SM1 FullCon aka Shadowmancer Apretience build
Advantage - can be easily changed (by reseting last rank) if something better comes
Full Con Linker Lifeline is kinda popular option, Link 3 is good support
Disadvantage, no real dmg outside of link burst

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Sorc2 is best dps option for alch3. You will fully rely on sorc riding.

Tested both options and you are right
Without link Shadowmancer 1 spells are on weaker side (shadow thorn hits for 100k+ but only one target)
Sorc 2 makes for comfortable ride :slight_smile: With Dark Lord I can aoe 3/4 of screen for quite nice CC :slight_smile:

Wiz2> Pyro 1 > Ele 3> Alch 3
This is my Actual Build

How does that do? Does the lack of Quick Cast mess up your combos and stuff? Oh, and is Pyro good enough with 1 circle?

The only skill that you will feel the lack without Quick Cast is Meteour, that had not was your main skill and i use at lvl 5 only. Pyro 1 is a good filler, You will use this only to burn mobs and use Flare (that u can use too when the mob is over Flame Ground. Enchant Fire is a good skill too. Magic Missile Sucks, unfortunally. Only usefull with falconer. =\