Tree of Savior Forum

Alchemist build needs guidance!

to be honest going wiz>pyro>link 3
(It can’t carry you but you will stay relevant throughout the game as a support…)
(Did i tell you that your summon can copy your skills? in C3 alchemy?)
(No one will abandon you via boss hunts,dungeons or grinds… cast one spell and viola everyone loves you)

Your solo is gonna be Crap…
You can’t boss quest for the love of god…
You need a friend to help you do this…
(Linker got nerfed but still relevant)

you can go pyro>C2 linker> Sorc for safer… solo questing but… you will still suffer late game from poor damage…
(Regardless of what you do since your an alchemist…)
ALchemist 3 provide enough but you can’t get C3 linker for boss hunting A.K.A LIFE LINE

i still suggest C3 linker because they are rare… and anyone with a brain will still make them love you…

“You can’t Earth tower since alchemist sucks in the DPS department atm…”

Hi, thanks for laying out the info for me. :grinning:

One good thing is I do have a lv190 companion atm… Questing at the lower level should be rather fine. I also have friends who won’t mind accompanying me to quest whenever I encounter issues. I won’t mind not boss hunting because I have other characters to help me accomplish that goal (if i ever feel like doing that) xD

If I do take this build, Im going full con right? Just to confirm… There’s no stat reset atm so Im very worried… :sweat:

C3 linker = stats are shared your free to go pure int…
or you can go pure con as well (your choice)

Going Pure con will be suffering as you have no DPS to speak of… since linker has none…

Pure int well you already know auto-attacking for eternity is the price to pay for supporting your team…

Cyro 3> psycho1 is actually a more stable build for alchemist as they can dps for themselves as well as dish out enough magic damage that no one can neglect…

(though you can’t really out-dps a Dpser but hey… frost pillar is still strong)
PVE Wise BEst support and Damage…

(They have insane cooldowns though) 1min and 30s technically making you so reliant on it…

For ice wall + Psycho gimmic…
Frost pillar does the same thing as link but provides no damage
(It can reposition and freeze mobs)
Snow rolling is MEH: since it causes mobs to spread…
decent damage against regular mobs though…


Psycho 1 first > go cyro for ice wall combo gimmic…
(Your stuck with this for eternity)

going pure con now xD Seems more beneficial as most toons (Maybe not full tank or cyrochrono) needs con. I don’t mind sucky DPS tbh… I really love linking so it is my wish to have a link3 character… But looking at the public builds I can’t seem to find a lot of link3… I did saw a cyro link3 ytd in TBL but he was just rank 5 so Im not sure what he will progress as…

Just finished the lvl 50 dun and i met someone who’s going for the same build… Feel safer now… :laughing:

Im planning to build a cyro psykino runecaster sort of build in near future… Once I get my alchemist kicking and running, I’ll try different sort of combo xD RIght now, wiz is my favourite class HAHA

Here’s mine

It’s a success. People will call you out for grind parties as long as they don’t find a free chronolinker roaming around.

I can see the c3 coming at a safely pace.

Thank you for sharing! :grin:

Hearing that from an alchemist of the same build sooth my soul to no end… xD

I guess I will save the extra points if I ever find myself going to alchemist3…

Everybody’s been talking about going enchanter for rank8 as Alchemist… But seeing we are linker3… We might as well utilised the homunculus right?

Tbh my eyes shine thinking about Tincturing lvl 15

Seeing all the crappy AI that minions have in ToS make me wonder if the homunculus will be able to land some lvl 15/16 joint penalties… but if it does, indeed it’ll be completely worth :thumbsup:

Yes definitely… even if homunculus cant help with the joint penalties… I wont mind if it gives me some fireball or flameground too… Hopefully it’s not SP consuming…

One more question though… Do you ever use unbind? I dont get how the attribute works… Another thing is physical link… When people use it on me or when I use it on somebody else… All of us usually ends up dying quicker… Have you find a way to utilised it?

Not really, no.

Physical link is currently bugged, IMC assumed it some time ago in some ‘known issues’ post. It’s supposed to split the damage of a target with all the others, but right now works as a reversed joint penalty (full dmg for everyone).

Edit: here

Only practical use I’ve seen is for intently killing party members, as in this well-deserved case:

When a bunch of douchebags try to ruin your queue, you kill them. Works for ppl who stays afk on torch part of siauliai mission too.

Ohh… Thanks for the posts. Today was nearly killed by a linker who refuse to listen to other people’s advice… Other than getting herself killed over and over again, our one and only poor healer, the priest who can resurrects got killed along. Was really frustrating… Almost 100 con and ended up with only 100 HP left. Was really miserable.

Thank you good sir for all the infos. I’ll use them well :blush:

So can you give us feedback :? I’m interested how its going. Is it hard to level up solo link3/pyro1? I’m deciding in the leveling process which rote of classes to chose but I went int 3 con 1.

its hard but if you buff with pardoner its not that desperate… i suggest going cyro instead of pyro Due to the nice… freezing effect

Blessing/Sacra carries you on anyways…

Things get worse when you reach linker 3 though…
(Thats the moment you need somone to carry you in missions and boss quests)

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My personal experience:

  • Early questing is okay. Only bosses will take some of your time when they start getting 50k+ hp;
  • From, let’s say, Main Chamber onwards we’ll start facing some beefy foes, signing that your solo capacity is coming to a close. Manageable, but things will start to get much slower. Joint Penalty + Flaming Ground will hold the line, tho. Bosses start becoming some pain in the ***, as well as flying foes;
    **- From Tyla Monastery onwards your solo capacity is virtually null. Flying elite will soak up your fireballs with ease; bosses will die slowly;
  • Lvl 200+ maps are hell. Sentry Bailey’ chain quests will rip your last drops of hope.

I’m going for something close to 3:1 con:int.

**From this point, it’s better to stop suffering and gather some friends to help.

Exp cards are nice, but you’ll be able to butcher your way up through alemeth, evac, storage and so on if you have enough free time for good grind sessions.

Why do people go full con or 3:1 with alch anyway?

IMO: if you want to fit a role in a party as linker 3 alchie, that would be battle support. Pyro 1 skills are negligible for DD. So it’s simply better to be beefy and able to run among the mobs, aggroing them then linking everything for your party.

High int is for alchies that go pyro c2/c3 and/or sorcerer.

Well considering your story about easy life of linker c3 I’ll go pyro1/link2/and sorc with 2 con 1 int maybe or something. Im not ready to suffer that much because I’m solo pretty much all the time.

Anyway thanks for feedback about this build. You guys helped me a lot.

Oh… Tbh nowadays i am a bit hectic so I didn’t have time to really play with my characters. :tired_face:

I do tend to buff my self with flame enchant and buffs from pardoner whenever possible. I also try to equip the best thing I have which is a +5 Geometry Staff for now.

When I was doing dungeon at lower lvls, with 1 rank of linker it is always very fast to clear the dun. (yea, not bragging. AHHA) Even without int or cleric support. I can even rank 1st for killing shadowgaler. The burst dmg for Pyro is very good.

Im lv80 now… currently linker2. Farming has been hard as I can only rely on fireballs and flame ground. Flame ground is good AOE but unfortunately it has a long CD. As for fireballs, I find it useless to link them and use hangman knot as I can only link 5 enemies (now 7) and wasting 2 chain for fireball doesnt seem worth it. Instead, I link 5 enemies and cast fireball close range/hit it over. It works as well. Also, SP kept running shot as I spam these skills.

When I need to grind past the EXP wall, I did ask friends for favour. Guilty to say, my quest has not been progressing as far as what my level should be so I cannot comment on that for now.

TL;DR: I don’t have much problems yet… Still loving the linker class :heart_eyes:

FYI, I am a Linker3 Alchemist. However, my stats are 90% SPR and 10% CON. I have 15k HP with plate armor attribute and 8k SP.

The reason I went almost full SPR Is for support. I have 500+ SPR at the moment.

SPR build is rare and my build helps my party as a SP battery. With lifeline, I can guarantee my party 1 tick of 700+ SP per minute. However, if it is timed correctly, some people might get 2 ticks which is 1400+ SP per minute. Considering most Swordsman and Archers only have 1700 SP, this is really good. And unlike Kabbalist, I give SP back to the entire party instead of only one member.

Pretty much with my alchemist in your party, you don’t have to ever use SP pot. My friends who grind and boss hunt with me certainly enjoy this build. So people might consider it.

Oh and I don’t recommend full CON build with lifeline. It might be good for certain instances in ET, but most of the time when you lifeline as full con, it make people panic because of the sudden HP drop. More than 80% of the times they start running around like crazy and break your chain. Thus I don’t suggest full con.


Thanks for the reply. Yea, I realised that. Unfortunately Im already rank 5 when your message arrives and now that Ive seen it, I will make consideration. :cry: I agree with the breaking lifeline part, thus I always tell my pt before I use spiritual chain even. Most people are ignorant to the fact that the yellow chain does not only signifies sharing dmg but also could be to share buffs. May I know usually under what circumstances that you use lifeline?
TBH I still havent find some right time to use it. Even spiritual chain… Sometimes in mission when I see a few archer with 1 QS3 i will use it… but other times people are just running amok and breaking the chain, buffs are usually not shared…:neutral_face:

Awesome boy. SP buff regen with lifeline is good “buff”.
You really found a good and innovative way .