C3 linker = stats are shared your free to go pure int…
or you can go pure con as well (your choice)
Going Pure con will be suffering as you have no DPS to speak of… since linker has none…
Pure int well you already know auto-attacking for eternity is the price to pay for supporting your team…
Cyro 3> psycho1 is actually a more stable build for alchemist as they can dps for themselves as well as dish out enough magic damage that no one can neglect…
(though you can’t really out-dps a Dpser but hey… frost pillar is still strong)
PVE Wise BEst support and Damage…
(They have insane cooldowns though) 1min and 30s technically making you so reliant on it…
For ice wall + Psycho gimmic…
Frost pillar does the same thing as link but provides no damage
(It can reposition and freeze mobs)
Snow rolling is MEH: since it causes mobs to spread…
decent damage against regular mobs though…
Psycho 1 first > go cyro for ice wall combo gimmic…
(Your stuck with this for eternity)