Tree of Savior Forum

Alchemist Briquetting Questions

So a long time ago Alchemist Briquetting was trash, when trying to change the appearance of your equipment it could make your equipment weaker, could only be changed to a weapon or shield with =stars, and consumed potential.

Is this skill the ■■■■ show it was or have they gotten around to fixing it yet. All the information i can find is from 2015.

Yes, the skill is still bad.


:frowning: its not even hard to fix remove the % damage change, the star requirements to just same item type, and potential use. If its strictly for appearance people will use it. If there is anything people love its to be pretty hence why costumes sell lol.


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Alchemist requires a complete overhaul, the whole class has always been in a very weird position. Even it’s considered a merchant class the options it provides is limited to simply HP/SP potion tincturing and gem cleansing.

Let’s hope the class gets some love in 2018 8).


O yea i forgot the wizard rework is on the way. Maybe there is hope.

Well… I think it kinda got better with the new gear updates. If you have a thauma farmer in 340 hg like me, everytime you get primus gear you get 2 of them.

Identify the two gears and you can see if they have ■■■■ stats or not. Use the item with ■■■■ stats as briquette fodder for gear with good stats.

Briquetting has been the ultimate gamble but now with the new gear update. You can make the gamble a bit more now especially if you have a thaumaturge in 340 hg.

The issue with briquetting are the recipe items as they often exceed certain stat caps the HG grounds have or have special abilities like damage procs (making them more desirable for most builds with some exceptions). Or solmiki gear, the gamble is insane.

Also the other issue is some people just want the appearance change. They should almost be separate skills if they want to keep briquetting around.

It is the ultimate gamble and thank goodness it is because it cannot become mainstream because then alchemist is a necessity.
If im not wrong briquetting affects base damage of the weapon which affects trans damage. This can give a well briquetted item an advantage at high trans level or narrow the gap between them.

I kind of see the point of having change appearance be a seperate skill maybe a 1 point skill. Or is this going to be something mimics can do in the future instead of alchemist?

Yes that is correct. which is also why no one does it they don’t want to lose 35% base on something that has crazy requirements to make.

Yea thats kind of how i envision it 2. but they also need to remove the star requirement because right now even if your willing to gamble you have very few choices of appearance.

alchemist should be re-worked into a pet job. they already have the ability to make homunculi - just overhaul that system entirely and make it into a real thing. maybe make a ranged homunculus that’d be boosted by taking necro at r9 for the decay?

yeah, it’s bad.

I maxed out briquetting for fun during rank reset week and tested on some old weapons.

  1. every time you briquette you need to consume an equal rank and level item; not bad, theres a lot of cheap fodder
  2. the description falls a bit short about WHAT sort of boost it gives you, or is just kinda vague in general. It isn’t guaranteed to give you a certain percentage; leveling it only adds to the max possible for upgrade or downgrade. i.e. you can waste every bit of potential on a wep and have it only be +1% or something funny like -23%.
  3. it’s not worth the gamble until we have some way to restore the lost potential. however their success rate works, you’re shooting on far less than just a clean 50/50. i think it was something like around 11 potential spent on it, a majority of the tries put the damage below base. Yeah, that’s just how numbers work an 11 isn’t a good way to judge the success rate, but like…

you’re not guranteed to get either -15% or +15%. it falls within a range. so you’re not only shooting for a success, you’re shooting for something that is at least worth the amount of skill points you put in, which is just incredibly unlikely.

Really cute animation though!

OH AND WARNING FOR THOSE BRIQUETTING FOR APPEARANCE: if you briquette AGAIN after adding a skin, the skin will disappear. I.e. if you briquette a windia rod with a 350 rod to get the 350 appearance, then use say a 350 shield to try to briquette stats, the rod will go back to looking like a windia rod. literally…the worst weapon skinning system i’ve ever seen in a game and I have no idea why they had to lump it in with briquetting or not even give us an option to separate it in the UI but like. it be like that