Tree of Savior Forum

Alchemist Briquetting Information

Trying out Briquetting lv.15 on my alchemist i found out a feel things:

Costs: One Calcite, an item with the same type and level, a potential point on your main item (if it has 0 you are unable to start the process).

How it works - At first i tought the minimum value was 5%, because its the value at level one, so you would get atleast - or + 5% on your min or max attack, it doesnt work like that (proof in the end).

It will roll between a number up to 12% and add or subtract to your min and max attack, separately (can roll +10% to min and -5% to max at the same time).

The effect is permanent and to revert it you would have to roll +/- 0% to both min and max attacks (they are always calculate by the BASE VALUE) and you can briquet an item as long as it have potential.

IMO leave at level one just for the skin changer attribute, i could see its uses if it didnt use a potential point, but as it is now its better to just enhance with an anvil.

Briquetted Isbality:

Base values: 596 - 729
Anvil: +144
Enhanced values: 740 - 873
Briquetted Values: 720 (-3.35%) - 906 (+3.78%)


I’m actually quite interested in making my 200 wizard into a alchemist just because of the briquette skill and awakening. But before i do something i might regret I’ll ask a few questions.

  1. You can still get the boost through briquette even though you enhance you item with anvils, awakening and shards?

  2. Is there an equal chance to get a negative result as an positive, or is there a higher chance to get a positive result / vice versa?

  3. Appearance attribute. How does it work after the patch. I know before you had to have the same item type and same amount of stars. But since there are no stars anymore, can you change the appearance to whatever item in the same type? Or does it have to be same item level for instance?

  4. Does your second item you use have any effect on your boost/decrease in numbers?

  5. Is it only weapons this skill works on?

I guess those are my questions. Cause i’m really interested in going lv 15 in briquette and boost items on my other chars.

  1. Yes, as long as you have potential left for briquetting (for awakening if you use a glowing awakening stone it doesnt use potential)

  2. Random chance for both min and max (they are rolled separately)

  3. Same level, sadly, i think they will implement an on/off slider for this attribute so you can re-skin with lower level items, because right now it doesnt make sense.

  4. Nope

  5. Yes

  1. Briquetting only applies to your weapon’s base values (you’ll see this reflected in the skill window). At Lv1, you roll the dice for both your min and max damage at plus or minus 5% each (this actually means 1 ~ 5% as it can land anywhere in between). Having anvil upgrades (or transcendence applied for that matter) will not influence the outcome.

*Take note that the Alchemist has to be in possession of the item you intend to briquette, this is not a service you can use on transcended items if the item isn’t on the Alchemist itself.

  1. In my experience, I get a positive result 4 out 5 times on Maximum Attack and 2 out of 5 times on Minimum Attack. That means that I get a decreased MinAtk 60% of the time while I get an increased MaxAtk 80% of the time. This isn’t something I documented though, but I’ve been using this skill for a while now and it’s mostly “wins” for me.

  2. In the past, you could do whatever you want (as long as it’s the same weapon type), nowadays similar or higher level only. Eg: Lv170 Rod (base) + Lv220 Rod (appearance), can’t use Lv75 Rod for appearance.



Lv220 XBow + Lv270 XBow appearance

Lv315 2HS + Lv315 2HS appearance

  1. No impact.

  2. Only weapons including off-hand weapons (except shields).


Lv1 Briquetting is enough if you just want to change skins, you’re risking a very high % of your base min/max attack at Lv15. Prepare 3M Silver for the attribute to change appearance.

Thanks both of you for the answers. I might actually go for a alchemist then.

I kinda want the15 skill lvl for a chance of higher bonus effect. Of course it could be the other way around, but then again i wouldn’t wanna stay on negative numbers to begin with =)

Now i just need to figure out what skill/s to sacrifice for me to get lvl 15 briq. Guess it would be nice to have a gem shop when logged out, but there are a lot of those already. And do you even make that much from those? Probably gonna ditch that one though.

Thanks for your help guys

Well… look at the bright side, you can +15 on a potentia2 handed sword and change appearance to a 315hg 2 handed sword. At least its shiny

So for briquetting, is it the same exact weapon you need for the damage version?

Like, if you want to attempt to buff a catacombs pike, you need 2 pikes and not just a cata pike + 170+ 2H spear?

You don’t need the same sacrificial weapon for briquetting if you’re just interested in rerolling the stats (gambling), the outcome will always be based on the skill level used; the [consumable material] will always be lost.

Edit: Added screenshot of briquetting under normal circumstances in action.

The [appearance item]'s conditions is only for when you want to also apply an appearance change on top of the +/- damage gamble. (by ticking the box for “Material Weapon” under the Change Appearance section).

Here are the rules for appearance change:

1) Must be of the same item type (shields not applicable):
1H Spear on top of another 1H Spear
Rod on top of another Rod

2) Must be of the same level or higher:
Lv170 1H Sword to take on the appearance of a Lv220 1H Sword.
Lv120 Crossbow to take on the appearance of another Lv120 Crossbow

It follows the same rule listed as #2 above. :slight_smile: Can be any kind of weapon and it can be 0 potential too (for the sacrifice).

Additionally: The weapon you’re applying the briquette to has to have at least 1 potential left. Currently there’s no item that works to prevent potential loss per attempt (like Awake Stones do for Awakening).

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Awesome, so for the damage gamble, does the sacrificial item have to be the same level or better?

Yes, thats right

You’ve been super helpful, thank you very much.

Although it’s niche, Briquetting to me seems to be super worth it still. What I liked about pre-combat revamp ToS were that certain items were really good despite being low level, like Toy Hammer, because the weapon didn’t matter as much.

With Briquetting, this gives you the possibility of increasing the damage potential of these weapons so you can hold on to them for longer. Losing potential sucks, especially if you get a bad roll, but that’s the glory of Golden Anvils. Even if you lose all your potential, if you still get good Briquettes, you can save your Gold Anvils and finish anviling the equipment.

You’re welcome!

If only it was a tad bit easier to acquire an Orange Practonium weapon, I would’ve taken Lv15 Briquetting and attempted to RNG the hell out of one!

Also, avoid dipping into 0 potential territory because that disables your ability to [awaken] the item, for a lot of end-game serious people, getting that perfect awaken is a necessity (as such, you need a minimum of 1 potential to be allowed to do that / just use a lot of stones to keep it that way). :smiley:

One other thing, if you plan on profiting off of your [positive] outcomes from this, make sure you make it abundantly clear what’s different when you do try to sell it. Unfortunately there’s no in-game indicator, or add-on for that matter, that can tell apart a briquetted item from a regular one.

To be honest I’m probably not even going to bother hunting a pract weapon because it seems like a lot of effort and there’s no guarantee they won’t become obsolete later. If anything, I rather just farm the gold and buy them.

How does awakening work now, on a side note?

I remember the effects used to be fixed, then I think they made them random, but I’m not sure what they are now.

I don’t plan on making a profit, but there’s a lot of different gear that I may want to experiment with for fun/different builds and what not, so the idea of being able to briquette them to make them stronger at later game content is interesting to me. Of course they would still have to have decent base damage values unless you’re extremely lucky with your rolls, but it still makes a lot of items seem more viable, for example Geras Spear.

So would you suggest this order for item upgrading:

  1. Briquette
  2. Socket
  3. Anvil
  4. Awaken
  5. Transcend
  1. Socket
  2. Anvil
  3. Briquette
  4. Awaken (Always leave the item at 1 potential to awaken with awakening stone till best stat)
  5. Transcend
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You can briquette multiple times, right? So wouldn’t you want as much potential to work with as possible?

It’s still random within a range, I don’t remember if anyone’s mined the min-max values for gear beyond Lv270 (old max level was 280). Can’t really guide you properly here.

There’s also an attribute called: Item Awakening: Quick and Prompt Decision that you can purchase for a total of 1,050,000 Silver to max out to Lv10, this brings down the amount of time you spend inside the dungeon by a lot to complete an awakening.

A Lv315 Purple Practonium weapon takes roughly 9 minutes to awaken with the attribute maxed for example.

Rather than a sequence, take note of the following instead:

Anvil / Socket - (interchangeable depending on the maximum sockets, available potential [random for HG items], and your awareness [sometimes people forget to completely open all sockets and end up with a failure of an item]). Eg:

######In case you missed it, item has 1 potential left with no sockets open at a maximum of 2 sockets and is only at +6, rendering it completely useless except maybe for a skin for another rapier… but what for? :stuck_out_tongue:

Awaken - as long as you still have at least 1 potential, you can do this as much as possible to get what you want (there’s still some supply of the Awakening Stone from the Leticia Cube available, after that, we’ll have to wait).

Briquette - would be a go or no go depending on the remaining potential of the item or what you intend to do with the item after the fact. Eg: Let’s say you have a Lv315 HG 2HBow that you’ve upgraded to +11 with 6 potential left, 2 maximum sockets available, no sockets opened yet. Given these statistics, you’re better off not opening the sockets and selling it off than risking a briquette that might bring the damage down (if you get the - attack roll). You’ll have to make a lot of active decisions based on multiple parameters.

Transcendence - this of course assumes that the weapon will be used by you (duh), thus it should always be last, don’t trap yourself into using up your Blessed Gems on it only for it to end up at +5 with 0 or 1 potential left, and of course, if it’s not an item you transcended on the Alchemist itself, then you’ll need another Alchemist to do an Awakening Service for you to further try more awakes (considering it still has 1 pot in the first place).

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