Tree of Savior Forum

Agny Necklace Question

Does Agny work with basic attacks? If you have x number of fire attack, will Agny buff it? or does it only work on skills?

Skills only. I believe it is right there in the tooltip.

Agny comes with 200 Fire Property Attack stat, which you can boost through Refinement (but not Transcendence). This works as how any property attack would work.

The multiplier however, doesn’t work on anything else but the specific skills coded with it (Fireball, Flame Ground, Fire Wall, Fire Pillar, Flare, Hell Breath, Meteor, Prominence, Incineration).

yes , just +200dmg per tile.


yes , fire skills.

wait… so transcending Agny would not increase the fire atk? what does transcending it do then? it does not have any mdef to be multiplied…

It can’t be transcended

Only weapons and your armors / sub weapons can be transcended

Accessories can be transcended as well, just not Agny

does Magic arrow count as Fire property attack? because it looks like fire :v



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It’s missile. Seems weird though since both the skill description and animation makes it look like it’s a fire property skill.

It’ll probably be too OP though if they made it work with Agny’s effect. The servers will be flooded with Fletcher C2/C3s.

hmm, if i have arde and arde gives flat + damage but fire property, and agny boost fire property attacks, does that mean it boost arde too? or does it only add +200 on the already boosted damage from arde?

It boosts skills damage. It does not additionally boost arde or another fire property additional damage. So if you have 300matk, 143 arde and agny, then the damage from skill will be (300+143+200-mdef-resists)*agnyMultiplier(depending on skill). It will not affect auto atks and not fire skills at all.

one more question about agny,
is it still usefull in lategame?
ive been seeing alot of pyro doing 12k per tick on fireballs, i think its because of agny, i want to make a pyro c3 now with agny, since it may outdamage fletcher when it comes to WB and daily missions :v

no , you don’t…


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Good luck outdamaging anyone on WB when even the slightest fart kicks your fireballs away.