Tree of Savior Forum

Agny and what could have replaced it if the devs weren't lazy

I have been playing a Pyro 3 for a long time before Agny ever exist or get mentioned but when they announced they will introduce something to make pyro viable in the late circle, I was excited and happy.
I was expecting a new hidden class or even a random class empowering fire spells.
When I saw what they wanted to do with the murmillo, I was expecting the same for my pyro and they announced the Agny necklace… an item to fix the dps of a class…
My deception was real, so no class upgrading my fire damage, just equipment…

The Agny necklace is a success as an aid kit and also because it helps to correct another problem of this game.
Int scaling is awful, incredibly useless when you have reached a certain point of gear…I can imagine your sadness when you realize than all the Int you have putted with your leveling is fighting with the head gear enhancement and 3 blue gems…
Agny necklace is multiplying the damage done after you put your Matt so basically doubling or tripling its impact on your damage, making it viable (not strong but viable).

And I thought about what could have been cool to play, a mage that use fire and earth spells (earthquake skill needs some love too), a lavamancer.
I didn’t think about the fact if it should be a R7 or R8 class but it should definitely be an hidden class.
This is the sort of class I would have taken with pleasure.

Requirement: Need a fire spell with at least 10 levels and an earth spell with at least 5 levels.
This class could be accessible to everyone that took at least 5 point in earthquake and a fire spell: so Pyro 2, Elem 2 and even Sorcerer 2 can become a Lavamancer.

Lavamancer Class :
A wizard using the power of the Earth to unleech powerful earth and fire spells to control and destroy large groups of enemies.

Class Attributes: Earth Fire: Tap into the power of the Earth to make your Fire and Earth spells more powerful. Increase the damage of Earthquake, Flame Ground, Fire Pillar and Meteor.

Class Attributes: Fusion Fire: Tap into the Fire of creation to empower your fire spells. Increase the damage of Prominence, Fire Wall, Fireball and Hell breath.

Agny value for the fire spells. +400% for Earthquake to make it like its description “A powerful earthquake”. At least +100% on Hell Breath and 200% on Prominence.

Skill: Active Volcano: Deals earth damage at impact and fire damage over the time on nearby monsters. The amount of damage of the periodic damage depends on the skill level (20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100%). Duration 10 seconds, cooldown 40 seconds

Attribute: Active Volcano Enhance: 1% more damage per attribute level (100)

Attribute: Salamion Spawning: Every 2 seconds, a salamion is created near the volcano and attack nearby monsters. After attributes lvl4 seconds, salamions are destroyed. The level of the salamions being summoned is the same level as the caster’s [Summon Salamion]. In addition, Salamion get an additional bonus to damage based on attribute lvl0.2 INT. Require Summon Salamion skill (5)

Attribute: Prominence attraction: Prominence skill casted near the Active Volcano only wanders around it. In addition reduce the cooldown of Prominence by 4 sec per attribute level. Require Prominence Skill (5)

Skill: Ash Cloud: Summon an ash cloud that deals fire damage on creature standing in it (aoe as large as cloud rain). Duration 10 seconds + 1 second per level, cooldown 90 sec

Attribute: Ash Cloud Enhance: 1% more damage per attribute level (100)

Attribute: Asphyxia: Monsters standing in the cloud are silenced (Revelators are immune to the effect for the non-focused readers)

Skill: Earth Coffin: A shield made of stone protects the user from harm. The shield absorb XXXXX +10SPR + 5INT damages. While protected by the shield, the caster can’t be affected by knocked down, poison or bleeding effects but can’t move. Duration 60 seconds, cooldown 30 sec.

Attribute: Reinforced Earth Coffin: While under the effect of Earth Coffin, increase by 10%*attribute level your Physical defense. This attribute can’t be used conjointly with Earth Armor attribute.

Attribute: Earth Armor: During the effect of Earth Coffin, the user can move freely but is affected by knockdown effects normally. This attribute can’t be used conjointly with Reinforced Coffin attribute.

Skill: Seismic Tremor: The earth starts to shatter in the area pointed by the caster. Monsters take earth damage over time and are slowed by 50% when standing in the area and 2 more seconds after leaving it. Flying monsters are unaffected. Duration 10 sec + 1 sec per level, cooldown 20 sec

Attribute: Seismic Tremor Enhance: 1% more damage per attribute level (100)

Attribute: Rock projection: Flying monster are affected by Seismic tremor for 10attribute level damage% and slowed for 5attribute level%.

What do you think about this class? Would have playing it?

Or they could simple rework all classes offensive skills to: Base Dmg * Skill Lv + X% Dmg.

Making easier to balance skills and make them viable at later levels without introducing stupid build dependent gear.


Honestly The Agny is double Edge Sword.

You lower ur magic defense by good amount, so in R7-R8 be ready to get hit hard by mage mobs.

That is what i am saying, it is build dependent, if one doesn’t have it (Pyro, PD or any other class that have fire spells) you will lack behind in damage, specially in Pyro´s case, the class became utterly useless, even before reaching Lv 200.

It is bad game design, IMC is lacking badly on that department.

Want to make the game more challenging? There are better ways.

But oh well.

I be honest KTOS is what runs the game. Dont know why rest of servers outside of KTOS are being punished with LOWER Benefits/Higher TP Prices…

i mean i heard they have right now 50% Attribute Cost Reduction? O.o and we get 20% lol

Because we are under IMC management, we aren’t under a publisher, as far selling goes, Nexon KR is who dictate the pricing, as long as they pay the contract fee for the game to IMC, they can even ■■■■ on the server.

We here are under the Dev(il) management, so they will only do whatever it feels like it.

People take Pyro for dps, not for support nor cc.
DPS classes survivability should be based on their dps, their lifeline is based on how strong their damage is and how fast they can take down an enemy, before the enemy nails them down.

IMC’s take on balancing, making a class rely on one sole gear to keep up with the r8 damage creep/difficulty spike, is what get on most of peoples nerves.

Lowering one stat for another is already used by swordies via Gung-Ho and DOV, why cant the spell caster classes have the same skill type instead of relying on a item.

every class has something broken about them, Pyros just got their op item first.

Dont worry… their be more OP items down the road.

Alot of mmos haves items in games that literaly changes how class plays.


I’m not even surprised any more with these pyro players.